Truth or Dare - (All members) Namjin Sope Vkookmin

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Keep in mind I wrote this story a while ago so it may be cringey or... Not detailed🧐 LOL but enjoy💜]

All the members were relaxing on the couch, bored, there was nothing to watch on TV.

Yoongi resting his head against Hoseok's shoulder.
Taehyung's arm wrapped around Jungkook, while Jimin laid his head on his lap.
And Namjoon's arm around Jin.

Jimin lifted his head up, he had an idea.
He sat up, which awoken the members from dozing away.
"Lets play truth or dare!" Jimin looked at them in excitment.

"Every time we play its not that fun." Yoongi said without expression, he wasn't annoyed or mad, just bored.

"Can we add something to it?" Jungkook asked, wanting to add something more exciting to cure their boredom.

"Dirty...?" Jin suggested, worried that the others would refuse.

"I mean, I'm down." Namjoon replied.
The others nodded.

"It would be interesting." Hoseok grinned.

"Whoever loses?" Taehyung asked.
"You just lose, nothing too bad because it's already hard enough" Jimin explained.

They all got up and sat on the floor in a circle.
"I wanna ask first!" Jimin smiled, already ready with what to say.
"Go ahead." Namjoon smiled, he was a bit nervous how far this could go.

Jimin grinned and looked at Jin.
"Lets start simple, Jin, truth or dare?"
"Ever caught any of us doing something?" Jimin asked, then nervously laughed.

Jin giggled.
"Yeah many times, I can hear you all.
Like Yoongi and Hoseok,"
Yoongi and Hoseok both look at each other and blushed.
"You younger three, I know you guys are old enough but cant you be less obvious?" Jin explained and laughed.

All the members that were called out blushed.
"Well this backfired." Jimin laughed.

"Alright my turn, Yoongi, truth or dare?" Jin asked.
Yoongi thought for a bit,
"Kiss Hoseok, in anyway but can't be a simple kiss." Jin giggled.
Yoongi smiled a bit, "Easy, come here Hobi."

Hoseok and Yoongi sat in the middle of the circle, facing each other.
Yoongi quickly grabbed Hoseok's face and kissed him. It was immediately an intense kiss, they were making out in front of the members.

After a few seconds Yoongi pulled away, "Done." He sat back down.
Hoseok was red, remembering that everyone was right there.

"Woah hyung, that was a lot too watch." Jungkook said and laughed.
"Yoongi was really committed." Taehyung said and giggled.

"I'll choose now, Taehyung, truth or dare?" Yoongi asked.
"Alright, give Jungkook a hickey, and if he makes a sound you'll have to give Jimin one too." Yoongi grinned, satisfied with his dare he chose.

The maknae line blushed.

"We're gonna end up with boners by the end of the night aren't we?" Namjoon mentioned.
They all giggled.

"Fine I'll do it." Taehyung looked at Jungkook.
He pulled him closer, "please don't make a sound." Taehyung whispered to Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded and took a deep breath, "I'll try." He replied quietly.
Taehyung softly placed his lips against Jungkook's neck and sucked on his skin.

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