Classmate - Vkook/Taekook

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Jungkook sat quietly at his desk, his focus fixated on every word that left the teacher's mouth. He was a good student, he had all straight A's and he always tried to stay on top. But there was always this one boy pestering him, non-stop.


Taehyung sat behind Jungkook.
He always kept his eyes on him and did not care about what others would think. His mind full of all kinds of thoughts. Taehyung couldn't get over how adorable the boy who sat in front of him looked. His large doe-eyes, his fluffy hair, bunny smile, and even his body looked too good to be true.
Taehyung just wanted, needed, to grab onto his petite waist and embrace him tightly. God, he just wanted to, a whole passion to ruin him so badly.

The stares didn't go unnoticed.
Jungkook felt the strong gaze piercing at him from behind. "Why do you have to keep staring..?" He mumbled to himself, desperately wanting an answer although was too afraid to even ask or talk to Taehyung. Because,  damn that man was gorgeous.

"Because you're beautiful."

Jungkook felt goosebumps run through his body. Just from hearing his deep but gentle voice respond to him became somewhat a turn on for the younger. He had a huge crush on Taehyung and it would've been very difficult to even say a word near him.
How was he supposed to respond?
What would Taehyung say to him?

Coincidentally, the bell rang, meaning everyone was dismissed for the day.
Jungkook heavily sighed, he internally begged nothing embarrassing would occur. He immediately tensed up once he felt a presence next to him, followed by a hand gently stroking the nape of his neck.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Taehyung softly asked, slowly moving his hand away from the other.

"N-no." Jungkook gulped and proceeded to clean off his desk, quickly putting everything back in his bag.

"So you wouldn't mind me doing this?" Taehyung brought his hands up against Jungkook's flushed cheek.

"I-I need to go." The younger stood up, grabbing his bag and attempted to leave the classroom. He wasn't uncomfortable, only flustered. His body couldn't take any more tension.
Until he was stopped by Taehyung.

"Wait here with me."

"W-why?" He stuttered.

"I just wanna talk to you."
Taehyung smiled. And just like that, the classroom was empty. Only Jungkook and Taehyung left in the room.

"But why in here?" Jungkook was confused, although he became curious on what Taehyung wanted to talk about. Hopefully it was some kind of confession, or maybe something more realistic... like help with studying and his classwork.

"We need some privacy." The older simply responded, walking towards the classroom door and locking it.

Jungkook became very puzzled.
Why did Taehyung have to lock the door? Why talk in an empty classroom out of all places? What did he want? He had so much questions yet he was too afraid to ask.

Taehyung walked towards the younger, the proximity between them became less than inches apart.
"I need to talk to you." He whispered, carefully grabbing onto Jungkook's small waist gradually moving towards the wall. He's always dreamed of holding onto him in such a way.

Jungkook felt his body heat up, he couldn't believe what was happening.
Maybe Jungkook was just thinking dirty, and Taehyung really just wanted to talk. But why was there a sexual tension present in the room? He shouldn't be so oblivious.

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