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Jungkook and Taehyung were in the living room couch watching TV.
Jungkook was laying on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung was hugging him.
Jungkook looked up at Taehyung.
"Taehyungie? Can we do something else fun?" Jungkook emphasized 'fun', he slowly got up and laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder glaring up at him.

Taehyung looked back at him.
"Are you serious?" Taehyung knew what Jungkook wanted, he was just bored, he wasn't aroused or sexually active at that moment, he just had nothing to do.
"Please hyung?" Jungkook smiled his adorable smile.
Taehyung smiled back, "ugh, you're so cute, not now though Jungkooky."
"Why?" Jungkook glared at Taehyung for an answer.

"Now's not a good time to do it, you're just bored. We can do something else." Taehyung grinned and pulled Jungkook closer to him.
Jungkook glanced down on the floor.
"Okay, I guess."
They continued watching TV until it was almost midnight.
Taehyung got up and walked to his bedroom.

"Hyung! Can I sleep in your room?" Jungkook grinned and ran in Taehyung's room.
Taehyung nodded and went under the covers.
He closed his eyes, he felt Jungkook's weight next to him, cuddling up closer to him.

He smiled, he liked the feeling of Jungkook comforting up next to him.
Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung, hugging him.
He put his hand in Taehyung's shirt, rubbing his chest to his stomach.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, he decided to give Jungkook what he wanted.
He turned around to face Jungkook.
He licked his lips and grabbed Jungkook's face, he pulled him closer until their lips touched.

They were making out.
Jungkook started to feel aroused, he felt his dick getting slightly hard.
Taehyung broke the kiss and glared at Jungkook, grinning.
Jungkook blushed, "Go hard on me Hyung, please." Jungkook removed his shirt.

Taehyung giggled, "Jungkook,"
Taehyung sat up. "Last time you said that you passed out."
"Well it's because, I-it felt... T-too good." Jungkook was embarrassed to explain. He got impatient and grabbed Taehyung's arm, "Come on hyung!"
"Are you sure you wanna do this Jungkooky?" Taehyung smirked, he slid his hand into Jungkook's boxers.
He inserted his index finger in Jungkook.

Jungkook bit his lip at the satisfaction.
He wrapped his arms around Taehyung, squeezing him as he went deeper.
"Y-yes hyung." Jungkook gulped.
Taehyung pulled his finger out.
He pushed Jungkook against the bed.
He tugged Jungkook's jeans down.
Jungkook blushed, he removed his shirt, he was now in boxers.
"Aw Jungkooky, you're so cute."
Taehyung said as he unbuttoned his jeans.

Jungkook laid still, staring at Taehyung removing his shirt.
Taehyung got on the bed and pulled Jungkook's boxers down.
"Oh you're so hard aren't you?"
Taehyung bit his lip and removed his boxers.
Jungkook blushed as he saw Taehyung's dick.
Taehyung spread Jungkook's thighs apart.
He got on top of him, and slowly went in.

Jungkook let out a small moan.
Taehyung slowly went in deeper and harder.
He started thrusting gently.
Softly rubbing in and out of Jungkook.
Jungkook bit his lip, trying to silence his moans.
Taehyung began going faster.
Jungkook moaned louder.
"Shh Jungkooky, are hyungs are gonna hear." Taehyung giggled.
"I-I can't s-stay quiet." Jungkook couldn't hold back his moans.
Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hands, pinning his down against the bed.
Jungkook panicked, he knew Taehyung was pinning him down to make him stay in place.

"Its okay Jungkooky, just don't move."
Taehyung grinned and worked his dick faster.
Jungkook moaned aloud. A tear was rolling down his face, and trying not to drool.
Taehyung leaned closer to Jungkook's face.

"Aww, you like it don't you?" Taehyung smiled and caressed Jungkook's face.
Jungkook saw confidence and determination in Taehyung's eyes.
"You like it way to much."

Taehyung continued, giving Jungkook what he asked for.
"Er...Hyungie~! Mm, I-I'm getting c-close! " Jungkook squeezed Taehyung's hands tight as Taehyung went in deeper.

They both moaned loudly and came all over.
Jungkook shook his head and faced away from Taehyung, not wanting anymore.
Taehyung smiled and pulled out, he laid next to exhausted Jungkook.
He gently pulled his face closer to his.
And softly pressed his lips against Jungkook's.

"Th-thank you Taehyungie." Jungkook hugged Taehyung, and laid his head against his chest.
Taehyung smiled and they both fell asleep.


Yoongi was up til midnight working.
He was tired so decided to go to bed.
He laid in his bed and closed his eyes.
He then heard Jungkook's quiet yell from the walls of Taehyung's room.
Ah shit. Yoongi thought, he covered his ears with his pillow, he just wanted to sleep.
He heard Jungkook again, this time louder.
He got up and walked out of his room.
Holy shit, these kids. Yoongi went to the bedroom next to his, Hoseok's room.

He knocked on the door, hoping that he was awake.
The door opened.
"Hi hyung, w-what's up?" Hoseok looked tired, like he was about to sleep.
Yoongi walked in and laid in Hoseok's bed.

"What happened Yoongi?"
Hoseok closed the door and walked up to his bed.
"Jungkook is being loud."
"How? Isn't he asleep already? And how can you hear him when he's a few rooms away from yours?"
Hoseok questioned and sat on the bed looking at Yoongi for an answer.
"He's in the room next to mine."
"You mean Taehyung's room?" Hoseok wasn't sure what Yoongi meant.
"How is he loud?"
Yoongi sighed.

"Oh my fucking god Hobi, think about it, Taehyung's room, Jungkook being loud." Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"Are you sure hyung..?"
Yoongi nodded.
Hoseok giggled, "Wow Taehyung has been getting some lately." Hoseok smiled and laid next to Yoongi.
Hoseok moved closer to Yoongi.
"Fuck off, don't touch me."
Hoseok giggled and hugged Yoongi anyways.

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