Chapter 1

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((Trigger warning))


It was about four hours after you had went to sleep that you were awoken rather unpleasantly.
The loud crash from downstairs was quite impossible to not be heard, even in your dreams.
A look at the digital clock next to your bed drew a groan from you. You had planned to sleep through the afternoon and the night to catch up on some lost rest but that would prove to be rather difficult now.
Especially since you could hear your father's loud voice cursing with not-so-pleasant words.

You pulled the blanket up and over your head.
You didn't want to hear anything.

But since you were awake now, you might as well get up and try to do something productive.
With a heavy breath, you threw the blanket back again and slid out of the warm covers.
Bare feet met the soft surface of the floor quietly and moved to the desk on the other side.

The air in your room was cool on your skin, washing away the pleasant warmth that had gathered during your nap. Rubbing your arms, you made sure to take a small detour to the closet to grab a jacket and put it over your (f/c) hoodie.

Then you took a seat, yawning and turning on the small lamp on the side of the desk, and took out your phone from your bag to check for any news.
Your eyes shifted from the glowing screen towards the side of your desk, where a dufflebag, in which equipment for your teakwondo classes were stuffed, was. The training was only held two times a week during winter season much to your dismay. You were one of the better students due to your naturally athletic and flexible build and it was a lot of fun to test your limits with other teens or young adults that didn't go to your school. Plus it helped you get stronger. The trainer for your classes lived in the neighboring city so you always had to drive over there but that only made it more fun.
Shaking your head, you sighed.
The next training session would only be in a few days so you still had to wait until you could either beat some ass or get your ass beaten. Either way was cool with you.
The noises of your father moving around one floor below you were still quite loud but had calmed down compared to his usual volume.
Of course he had come back early from his business trip and of course he was as drunk as ever.

You didn't know what else you were expecting.
At least he hadn't brought someone else home to continue his 'work'. Frankly, you weren't sure what he actually did at work but you also couldn't care less as long as he stayed away from you.

Skimming through the internet for a while, you noticed that Thomas had sent you a message just a while ago.
You answered and just a second later, he was already typing a response.
With an amused roll of your eyes, you waited till the message came in. Sometimes you wondered if he even had any hobbies or was just constantly trying to talk to you.


< Did you get the notes I sent you? :)

Yeah I did thx >

< Np ;)
< Did you sleep?

A little >
My father came back and woke me up >

Wasn't he supposed to be gone
< for two more days?

Yeah he was >

< Oh, that's good tho, right?
< Now you're not alone at home :D


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