Chapter 3

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It had already been a few days since that one weird night and things were… well, either unusual or like always. There was no in between.

Once you had went to school with Toby after staying at his place, you had returned to Thomas' side simply because you weren't sure if Jim would approve of your semi-rediscovered friendship with his best friend.
But when the short teen had come strolling right up to you during lunch with the black-haired boy in tow, you didn't have much of a choice in the matter.
Even Thomas had seemed happy to have two possibly new buddies at the table.
Meanwhile Jim had looked just as uncomfortable as you felt the whole time but then he gradually started to warm up to the situation, unlike yourself.

It felt strange to you that they were just talking like nothing ever happened between you.
But who were you to forbid Thomas to make friends?
At least he had seemed happy.

Mainly keeping out of the conversations, you had stayed in the background of the newly formed group, strictly avoiding any contact, with Jim especially.
You hadn't noticed it then but he had been rather hurt at that.

Other than that, you had also avoided your father. He had been sober enough to remember when you returned home that day and his regular rude behavior was met with your cold shoulder.
You were aware that he didn't have much control over his emotions when he was drunk but that wasn't an excuse for him to just let them run wild and give up trying to control them.
His weakness disgusted you.
After all, as a father, he was supposed to be your role model.
But that wasn't anything new to you.

Your thoughts still went back to that moment in the woods all the time too.
The glowing metal armour, the blue mist that rose from the large sword, his piercing yellow eyes and large horns.
They kept flashing into your head but each time they did, you wondered more and more if you hadn't just dreamt it.
What if you had simply fallen, hit your head and hallucinated because of Thomas' story earlier that day?

So, of course, you hadn't told anyone about it.
You might not be a genius but you weren't that stupid either.

Ugh, this was making you feel crazy.

If you would've known that those crazy memories would be refreshed soon enough though, perhaps you wouldn't have went to your teakwondo training this evening.


After you had gotten your butt handed to you by one of your seniors and the training ended, you were now on the way back to Arcadia Oaks, driving through the woods as the sun was setting behind some flat mountains and high hills.
The faint light still fell on your form, covered in the driving gear for motorcycles.
Usually you wouldn't wear it but it had been a bit colder today so you thought it to be more comfortable. Not to mention much safer too.

Good thing you did because it was going to save your life.

The (c/o/c) motorcycle shot over the asphalt and past the darkening trees.
It was peaceful and the rumbling of your machine was the only audible noise for you, filling your ears pleasantly like a large cat's purring.
All other noises were muffled or completely blocked by the thick helmet that covered your head entirely.
If your body hadn't hurt from quite literally getting your ass kicked, perhaps it would've been a very nice joyride.

As you leaned over to go into a curve that the road made before you, you left the sunlit parts of the way and slid into the cooler shadows, immediately feeling the drop of temperature. You didn't mind much though since the cushioned clothing you wore kept you warm enough.

Raising your motorcycle back up to its usual angle, you kept following the road in a moderate tempo, not feeling very rushed but rather like you wanted to enjoy the ride a bit more.
If you had known what had been following you since the moment you entered the woods, you probably wouldn't have been so relaxed.

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