Chapter 4

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Some early stars shone softly in the light blue and pink skies above while the moon showed herself as a pale circle near the horizon.
A few stray clouds floated before her.
The gentle breeze made the leaves rustle around the clearing that you currently sat on and the soft earth beneath your body was cool and dry, soothing for your tired muscles.
Both legs outstretched on the ground, you had your left arm resting on your right one carefully while your thick jacket was draped over your shoulders to keep you warm.

It would seem like a peaceful and normal scene to you if it weren't for the large creature resting next to you.
He was, as you had just been informed of, a troll.
The trollhunter, to be precise.
His explanation of the existence of trolls, gnomes and other mythical creatures parallel to the human world was still circling in your head repeatedly.
Despite having the bulky troll sitting right by your side with the amulet he had shown you earlier in hand, it was still much to take in.
Especially right after having been attacked, chased and nearly killed by Bular, the black gumm-gumm prince with the twin swords and some serious mouth odor problems.

Lifting your head, you glanced up to the troll, whose name you now knew to be Kanjigar, and looked at his thoughtful and troubled expression.
It was the first time you saw him without the silver armor on so the sight of his rough skin that was covered in what seemed to be trollish tattoos was quite interesting. The surface looked like some kind of ore or rock but moved similar to regular skin, making you curious about what it actually felt like.
You didn't dare to touch it though. That would be weird.

The blue troll had taken about half an hour to tell you the gist of everything necessary but you were pretty sure that he most likely left a lot of things out that he didn't want you to know.
So far, he told you who he and the rest of his kind were, what his job was, a bit about some pact for trolls that forbids them to eat humans -the part where you finally relaxed for good- and about trolls living beneath your very feet while gumm-gumms -evil trolls that still ate humans- were banished to a far away place.
He hadn't addressed Bular any further than his name and the fact that he was the prince of those gumm-gumms.

Right now, you were waiting for him to continue on that but he hadn't said anything for a while already.
You thought he needed time to think about how he was going to explain that to you so you had waited patiently.

It also gave you time to think about all this yourself.

So, you really weren't crazy.
That first meeting in the woods really had happened after all.
Whether it was fate or coincidence that guided you together again was still unclear now.
As you were deep within your own thoughts, looking at an empty spot somewhere on the ground, you began to sort through what Kanjigar had told you and it slowly started to settle in your mind.

Wow. This was kind of cool actually.
Just think about all those insane things that you always believed to be fiction. Some of these existed for real and some hadn't even been that far from you your whole life.

It nearly made up for the loss of your trusted motorcycle. Although you still didn't know if it was totally damaged and done for or just looked really bad and would be fine after a bit of work.
Letting a soft sigh from your lips, you leaned your head back and stared into the pastel colored sky above.

"Oh, yeah," you suddenly said and looked back down to the troll, making him look your way too, "thank you."

He blinked in what seemed to be surprise as you caught him off guard with those simple words.
You received a curt nod in response before he heaved a sigh himself and got up from the ground.
While he looked at you, you thought you saw a hint of sadness in his yellow eyes.

You followed his action and soon stood next to him, a bit confused about the lack of any further explanation.

His voice was less soft than it had been before as he spoke to you now.
"Your shoulder is hurt, is it not?"
He must've noticed how you held your left arm and only used your right one.
Casting your eyes to the side, you didn't say anything but your silence was enough of an answer.
"I believe you need treatment. Let us go back to the road."

Trollhunters - first meetings - (various x reader)Where stories live. Discover now