Chapter 13

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You opened your eyes and were met with a veil of darkness on your vision.

Where were you?

You wanted to turn your head to scout out the area, see if you maybe could find something other than black, but when your brain sent the command to your muscles; nothing happened.
All your body did was stand there in silence.

Wait, no. It wasn't silent.

There was a humming in the back of your head, as if someone was rummaging through your mind loudly, searching for something.

What did they want to find in there?

A sudden snap like sound echoed through your skull and suddenly your senses were flooded.
A pulsating green light lit up below you, countless voices roared in your ears, cold air hit your face.

Your first instinct was to cover your ears and close your eyes but your body still didn't listen to what you wanted it to do. Instead, you began walking.

Walking on an endless bridge of glass with green veins that glowed along the rhythm of your heartbeat.

You had been here before. Only now that you were here again did you remember it. This exact place had been inside your dreams just last night.
So this must be a dream too.

Knowing that you actually weren't here and that this wasn't real did nothing to change your situation though.
The voices kept trying to scream words into your brain that were overlapping so much that it was impossible to understand even one word, much less a whole sentence.
Your legs kept walking over glass, crossing a seemingly bottomless void beneath the bridge.
But had that cold wind been here the first time? It felt fresh and new, like finally being able to leave a stuffy room full of people and get a breeze of cooling night air by yourself.

And hadn't there been a light before you last time too? You vaguely recalled seeing a strange silhouette surrounded by a blueish green glow.

The moment that you thought of this glow, your legs picked up their pace, carrying you effortlessly over the pulsating bridge. Then, you saw a light above you and, really, that same shape from the first dream peeled itself into visibility.

It had something ethereal about it, like an angel revealing itself to a peasant to carry on a holy message.
Slowly but surely, you felt the numerous calls in your head grow silent. However one voice only kept growing more fierce and clear the longer and faster you ran.

"..-r luctonien mi-..-hs-.." bits and pieces of a language you hadn't heard before were pushed into your brain. Most of the words didn't sound like actual words at all. It was as if someone who possessed no voice of their own was trying to express emotion through sound, beckoning you closer.

You felt a tugging in your chest and your feet set onto the glassy ground to jump up. For some reason you were sure that you could reach the light above you if you leaped and reached for it now.

But you didn't get the chance to.

Instead of supporting your weight like it had so easily before, the bridge below you suddenly sprang into a million pieces with a booming noise of shattering glass, causing you to lose your footing abruptly and plummet down into the deep void below.

Just like last time, the dying veins lost their shine and you were falling alongside them and the shattered glass pieces. However this time, the feeling of falling had nothing threatening about it for some reason. It almost felt.. safer than jumping?
The light above did not grow distant, much like before. It enhanced despite the increasing separation and the blurry silhouette at its center became clearer.
You couldn't tell what it was but the one thing you immediately saw was that what- or whoever glowed there above you, wasn't human in the slightest.

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