Chapter 12

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It hadn't taken long for Kanjigar to arrive for tonight's lesson after you went to wait at the porch. Like usual, he came hopping over the fence and out of the shadows to move toward you under the cool moon, a smile already present on his face.

His amulet shone subtly from the pouch at his hips and the tattooed skin of his burly body had a light glow to it, it seemed. Of course, he didn't actually glow himself. That was just the moonlight reflecting from his stone body.

"Good evening, (Y/n)," the tall troll greeted you, coming to a halt in front of your porch to crouch down.

"Evening, Kanji," you responded, returning his friendly smile and getting up to match the height of his eyes, more or less.

You noticed that he didn't bring any books for you to read while he trained today so you titled your head, a quizzical expression coming over your face.
He quickly saw and caught on, letting out an ominous chuckle.

"I didn't forget the books, I promise," said Kanjigar, sounding pretty genuine, "since you made such progress last time, I thought we could try and spend tonight speaking only in Trollspeak."

You let out a surprised huff. Sure, you were a fast learner when it came to languages but you had also noticed very quickly that Trollspeak was extremely hard for humans to pronounce. Trolls must have some kind of extra vocal chords for all those specific noises and vowels.

"You're not just doing that to make fun of me, right?" raising a suspicious eyebrow, you crossed your arms but kept the smile.

Kanjigar's messy teeth showed a tad more when he grinned, using his mighty hand to pat your shoulder carefully, "It's a lot easier to learn Trollspeak by actually using it… Although I'm sure it will also be very entertaining for me."
Adding the later part with a joking tune, the blue troll got back up and took a few steps away from you. Whether is was to avoid any possible punches from your direction or simply because he wanted to move was unclear.

Before you could retort, Kanjigar waved his hand as if telling you to follow him.

"What do you say to going on patrol while talking?" he offered and you immediately lit up.

You hadn't been in the woods since the day that Bular chased you to that mountain so you were keen on getting the familiar sensation back for at least one night without risking death. Kanjigar would be there to protect you from any gumm-gumm attacks after all.

"Sounds great!" enthusiastically hopping down from the porch to jog up to the trollhunter's side, you couldn't help but feel a little giddy. 

You must've been so excited that you didn't even notice Kanjigar attempting to help you climb over the fence of your backyard. Since you were used to hauling yourself over the barrier, you simply did just that and only realized that the troll was holding out a hand when you were already on the other side, turning back to him.

He looked a little baffled at first, probably not having expected you to leap over a fence that was about the same height as yourself, but soon laughed gently and shook his horned head.
"I keep forgetting you humans are tougher than you look," mumbled Kanjigar, more to himself than to you, and followed suit by pulling his much heavier body over the wooden fence.

For a moment, you were a little worried the structure wouldn't support his weight with how much it creaked and groaned but he had done it plenty of times before so you didn't pay it much mind.

Maybe you should build in a gate somewhere? That would make things a lot easier for his future visits.

While that seemed like a great idea to you at the moment, we all know it would be useless soon enough.

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