Chapter 6.1

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(( Due to this chapter being much longer than I intended it to, Chapter 6 has two parts now. I also returned btw -v -;; ))


You sat in your backyard, moonlight falling down onto the dry grass.
Before you stood a tall green troll with blades around his neck like a large collar, his slim back facing to you.
And before that green one loomed Bular, glaring down at the smaller troll with a conflicted but very much pissed off expression.
You had no idea what was happening.
It felt like they were about to start a western styled shootout with how tense the atmosphere was.

How this happened in the first place?
Well, allow me to take you back to the morning of this day.


Weeks had passed since your dinner with Barbara and Jim and it was the last day of winter break.
You had spend it with your friends during the days and with Kanjigar during the nights.
With your father only checking by a few days and mainly staying out of the house, you had all the time you needed to do whatever you wanted.
On this day however, you had taken a look at the exams that you had gotten back shortly before the break started and realized that one of them was... well, not something to be proud of.
Although you had passed nearly all subjects quite ok-ish, aside from Spanish and English, which you had aced like always, there had been one class where you just barely scraped by failing with a last bit of luck and probably the favour of the teacher too.

Damn History.

So, you had decided to ask for a bit of one-on-one tutoring. After all, you didn't want to repeat everything by yourself only to get it wrong again and fail the class for sure next time.

Thomas was busy today so you couldn't ask him and Jim and Toby weren't really good in history either.
Aside from these three, there was only one more person you could ask. Even though it was probably uncommon to ask a teacher during the holidays to tutor you.

It was quite surprising to you that Mr.Strickler actually answered to your e-mail within an hour and even agreed to help you out too. He mentioned something like it being 'a strange request but also a great way for him to take a break from his rather annoying relatives' or something of the sort.
Weird, you didn't know Strickler had any relatives in town.
Oh, well. If they were annoying, maybe he preferred to keep them secret.
Not like that was any of your business either.

And so it came that you were sitting by the kitchen table with the tall man, drinking tea and reviewing the last semester's topics together.

It was a lot more comfortable than you had imagined it to be. The black-greyish-haired man was quite relaxed and seemed glad to have some more casual interactions with one of his favourite students.

He made a few jokes here and there while you tried to explain something to him that you didn't understand and some of his comments had you chuckling quietly.
But the older man was also quite serious, giving you small tasks to do so you would remember what you had learned in his lessons while stopping you whenever you said something wrong -which was kinda very often- and then making you rephrase it until you got it right.

It seemed he was enjoying your enthusiasm.
After all, no one had seen you this willing to study for years now. On the last day of winter break no less!
You were quite the weird kid.
But not a bad weird. A subtle, cute kind of weird.

If anyone told you that to your face, you'd probably introduce your knuckles to their nose though.

So maybe 'cute' wasn't the right word after all.

Sitting up on your chair and stretching your tired arms into the air, you let a yawn slip. Even though Kanjigar had only agreed to teaching you if you went to bed early, you still stayed up till at least till 1am every night with him simply because you kept on asking about all kinds of things and wanting to know more.
Perhaps that's why you suddenly felt like brushing up your history knowledge.

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