Chapter 10

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After having returned home to do your homework, getting a snack and then leaving again, you were now on your way to meet up with Jim and Toby by the bridge that crossed the canals.

That place was usually pretty dry so lots of people used it as a spot to skate, spray graffiti or learn how to drive a car. You had played there as a kid plenty of times and you remember how much fun it was to pretends that the canals were some kind of castle's secret path.

But should it rain, then the whole canal would be filled with wildly flowing water masses due to the earth being so dry that the rain couldn't sink in and instead gathered in puddles and flooded whole areas. Luckily the canals were designed to catch these little streams and guide them to a lake not far away. On its way there, the water grew more violent with each passing second, washing away some of the graffiti and anything that was left in the canal.

You once saw a bike getting pulled down the current so you were quite careful not to slip or stumble when you crossed that bridge while it rained.
It wasn't exactly that you were scared to fall since that was a bit unlikely but rather that you had a lot of respect for the forces of nature.

Who knew how many people had already died because they didn't pay attention to the weather or acted disrespectfully in a dangerous situation?

It could happen quickly.

A wrong step on a mountain could cause an avalanche, threatening not just your own life but that of everyone that lived there.
Too little fear during a thunderstorm in open areas and the bolts of electricity could fry your brain.
Be distracted for a split second, be it your phone or lack of sleep, and the next, your car is skidding down a mountain slope and all you can do is scream and pray to not be crushed by your own car.


Those were some pretty dark thoughts for someone who's about to visit an arcade with their friends and play some silly fun games.

Probably should think about something less depressing.

How about bees?
Bees are adorable! 

Oh. Oh, no, wait. 

Bees are dying and leaving hundreds of plants to go extinct because they can't be pollinated anymore and doing it manually would require the expensive work of way too many people.

Next topic!

Nearly breaking into a nervous sweat, you racked your brain for something to think about that didn't contain the fear of death while pedalling down the street. 

Damn this anxious brain of yours!

The sun was still up. With winter slowly passing and spring coming, the days were now getting longer again.

Of course, that also meant that you had to wait longer until Kanjigar could come since trolls and sunlight didn't mix, but that also meant you had more time to yourself.
A bit of relaxing on the couch might do you some good. Maybe to keep studying in your 'Notebook for Trollspeak', which you had begun to create in the past few nights.

After all, you needed some material to work with so you could properly learn this ancient language. Kanjigar always took the books he brought back with him but never told you where he got them from in the first place.

Driving around a hole in the street, you asked yourself if trolls had libraries. It would only make sense, right?

Perhaps you could ask Kanjigar to take you along some time? 

He'd probably deny though, considering how hard he tried to keep this mystical stuff away from you -and yet still failed miserably.

Looking up from the ground in front of your bike's front wheel, you noticed that you had taken a wrong turn and let out a curse. 
There you went again, getting lost in thought and messing up.

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