Chapter 2

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Since when was your bed so small?

With a still hazy mind, you cracked open your eyes and saw a blurry image come into view. It took a moment for your eyes to adjust and then you noticed that the wooden ceiling you were staring at certainly wasn't the one you were used to waking up to.
Your body laid on a soft but slightly too short mattress, a warm blanket covering your form.
Jolting up in the unfamiliar bed only to wince and hold your head -where a large bump had formed- you tried to recognize your surroundings.
They seemed somewhat familiar… but how did you even get here in the first place? Weren't you…!!

The events from before suddenly came rushing back, drawing a somewhat loud gasp from you.

You had met a monster in the woods.

Well, maybe 'monster' was a bit harsh. After all, the blue bull seemed to be just as intelligent as any other human -or maybe even more-.
Did he… bring you here? If so, why? He could've just left you laying in the grass after knocking you out.
Come to think of it… Why did he even do that? You were sure that if it had been an attempt to kill you, then you would have never woken up again at all.
And yet you still did.
So, did he accidentally hit you? That sword did look pretty heavy. Then again it also looked like he had more than enough experience with handling the large weapon. Strange.

Utterly confused and still kind of shaken from that blow to the top of your head, you only now noticed that there were voices coming from the other side of the door, though only very faint and muffled.
It sounded like two people talking to each other in the distance with the low background noises of a TV running.
Since you had no idea what had happened, you decided to try and hear it for yourself.

You were sure that the people who lived in this house weren't villainous ones since they seemed to have taken care of you as you were unconscious.
They even put a glass of water on the table next to you, not that you noticed that in your hazy state.
You slowly got up from the soft bed you had rested in, swaying from the dizziness and pain in both head and body, before successfully moving to the door of the small room.

Just before you left it, you took notice of your backpack that was laid against the wall. The zipper was missing, seemingly torn off with brute force, leaving half of your bag open.
A small huff of wonder left your lips and you crouched down before it slowly, using the wall to support yourself. Your stomach let out a low grumble as you rummaged through it to see if everything was still there. Even your phone was right where you had stored it away.

With a relieved sigh, your (e/c) gaze brushed over the sandwich and you decided to to eat before leaving the room.
The simple snack was a bit squashed and deformed but the taste was still the same so you didn't complain.

After finishing the tiny meal you opened the door to find yourself in what seemed to be a quadratic hallway, a staircase leading to the floor below and two more doors to other rooms, one on each wall, leaving one wall with a wide window out of which you could see a backyard and the forest behind it.

Whether it was your confused view, your wild imagination or plain reality, you thought you saw large footprints in the dry grass outside, leading from the fence to the backdoor and then back again.
You shook your head, making your (h/c) hair sway with the movement before looking back to the staircase and listening to see where the voices had come from.

The voices came from downstairs and now that you could hear them more clearly, you realized why this room had felt so familiar to you.
You had been here a lot of times already but that was almost ten years ago now.
The wooden interior of the house still smelled of forest and dry wood and felt as smooth as ever as you brushed your fingertips over the railings in a nostalgic motion.

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