Chapter 5

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"I don't think you suck." A mysterious voice said behind me. I quickly sat back up into the sitting position, and basically gave myself whiplash. The mystery man comes closer & out of the darkness.

"Shit sorry did I scare you," No Shit!!, "I didn't mean to be nosey but I was coming over here anyway, & I stopped when I heard you singing." As I get a closer look at the boy, I realize it's just Johnny, oh you know the most popular/richest guy in school, maybe in the whole town.

"No it's okay, I mean yeah you did scare the fuck out of me," He chuckles at my honest statement & walks closer to where I'm sitting, then he uses his feet to slide off his shoes, & pulls his socks off, The Fuck he doin'....? Then I get up and grab my shoes & socks, but then he stops me by saying...

"No you don't have to go, trust me I would love the company. Besides you were here first. I mean if you don't mind me staying??" he asks kind of nervous. Wait why the fuck would he be nervous, Johnny is never nervous from what I know.

"Yeah sure, I mean this is your girlfriends house, you can do whatever the hell you want." I say as we both sit down & put our feet into the water.

"Yeah, I guess I mean, never mind. You don't want to hear this, we barely met like right now."

"Actually we've went to the same school since seventh grade, & we didn't officially talk to each other until Freshmen year." I tell him a little embarrassed. I look at him & I can tell that he's trying to process everything I told him, & trying to remember me. "It's okay if you don't remember me, I don't expect Mr. Popular to remember a nobody like me." I tell him looking at my feet in the water, now I'm really embarrassed.

"No no, I do remember you. We had a couple of classes through out middle school & most of high school. I'm sorry again. You always had something to say, huh?" He smiles & chuckles. OMG his smile & laugh!!!!

"Yes I did," I say all confident. I remember I didn't hold back on saying my opinion, whether it was to a teacher or student. Oh I'm still like that, OOPS. "Hey I can't help it if people got on my damn nerves, Wait wait, I'm still like that." I say with a chuckle. 

"Precious right?" He asks trying to make sure he gets my name right. I nod & he just smiles. "So tell me, Precious, what is a very outspoken, best singer, & very beautiful girl like you doing out here, well before I came and fucked it up, all by yourself?" he says the last part all concern. Great don't tell me that he's gunna be all serious with me now.

"Just getting a break from all the craziness," I say pointing to the house. He nods.

"Yeah me too. But I think that I'm also escaping from something else too. But I can't put my finger on it." he says looking me in the eyes.

"Maybe it's the future, you know. Like it's all happening too fast for us to actually figure out what we want, desire in our own lives." I say looking anywhere except in his eyes. " I mean that's how I feel anyway."

"No, you're right. It's exactly that for me. Like I would love to be a Lawyer, but I guess everyone expects me to be a Professional Footballer." he says with just this look of sadness. 

"Hey at least people in your life expect great things from you. My, ughh, except for Cole, Vic, & some other really great people in my life, expect me to just fail. To be just a useless person." I say turning away wiping the tears that are now falling. " Look," I say now a little braver then before,"Fuck all of the people who think you're some one else, like what they want & think you're gunna be something that you're clearly not." I say looking in his eyes now. 



I look up to where I think I hear my name being called. In the distance I can see Vic & Cole calling my name. "Over here, I'm over here!!!!" I yell & raise my hands up in the air. "Speaking of my little diablos."

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