Chapter 3: A Plan

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(Cause why not? XD)

Hours go by, and night turns to day before Terra and Zatel begin to stir where they were. Terra looks around him and still sees Chimchar and Shinx beside him. Groaning slightly, he pushes himself up and looks back at Zatel who groans shifting positions.

"Yeow!" Zatel Jolts up looking over Zatel realizes he accidently touched Rio's Spike again. "Rio..." Zatel nudges Rio, until he stirs. "How are you feeling?"

"Better..." Rio yawns as Rio pushes himself up, looking over at Terra.

"You ok Terra?" Zatel questions turning towards him. Terra groans as he pushes himself up the rest of the way.

"Well, considering that we literally had to run for our lives from a whole bunch of wild Pokémon and collapsed afterwards.... ok is a little weak." Chimchar and Shinx start to stir from the sound of Terra and Zatel's voices. Terra takes in some air from his mouth, then immediately starts gagging. He covers his mouth and his nose with his hands.

"What on earth is that smell?!"

"What sme-" Zatel gets cut off, as he gags as well. "It smells like someone just ran four marathons in a row!" Rio gets up, almost falling back down from the smell.

"Wow... That's a strong scent!" Terra looks at Shinx and Chimchar who are acting the same way, then he looks back at Zatel.

"I think it's us that stinks." Terra said. "Probably should have figured knowing how much running we did yesterday, not to mention just sleeping in the middle of the road." Zatel stands up next to Rio and smells Rio, gagging again.

"Why do you smell so bad Rio!" Zatel asks disgusted.

"Well, I got really scared and couldn't..." Rio's about to finish, but Zatel cuts him off.

"EWW!! T-M-I Rio. I get it." Zatel turns back to Terra disguted. "Well, we can't be that far from Jubilife City, right?"

"No." Terra says sarcastically. "I totally didn't point out the fact that we were literally within eye-sight of the city at all!"

"Sorry, I forgot." Zatel looks around until he spies the giant skyscrapers nearby. "Anyway, let's get going, once we get to the Pokémon Center we can all shower and get rid of this nauseating smell." Zatel, Terra and Rio start walking towards Jubilfe City. As the group approaches Jubilife City, most people keep a wide diameter from the group after getting a whiff of their scent, even making a Herdier run off with tears in its eyes. Zatel and the group finally get to the Pokémon Center, and everyone is immediately aware of them as their stench floods the center.

"This is one of the most embarrassing things that's ever happened to me" Zatel says breaking the silence in their group as they approach Nurse Joy.

"Hello, How may I-." Nurse Joy Pauses a moment from the stench. "help you?" Nurse Joy asks trying to be polite.

"We need showers." Terra admits with a bit of embarrassment. "Bad." Nurse Joy indicates to a hallway to the right.

"Take any of the doors down that hallway, and please... take your time."

"Well, it could be worse, we could smell like Rio." Terra said trying to lift moods a little.

"Hey! It's not my fault, I couldn't control myself." Rio tells them both trying to defend himself.

"Yes, it is." Zatel and Terra speak simultaneously. Terra and Zatel look at each other for a minute, then Terra starts walking down the hall.

"Sheerly coincidence, that's all I'm saying." Terra closes the door behind him, leaving Shinx and Chimchar outside the door, waiting for him.

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