Chapter 33: Key Components

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Zatel, Rio, and Terra walk on some rocky ground after crossing a bridge over a river. Sylveon is resting her head on Terra's shoulder. Terra looks up at the sky and shielding his eyes, seeing that the sun is nearly at its highest point. Looking back at Zatel and Rio, he lowers his arm.

"Was it really such a good idea to leave before lunch?" Terra questioned.

"I thought you typically liked leaving as soon as possible." Zatel replies calmly. Terra holds his stomach.

"Yeah, with a full stomach." Terra responded. Zatel looks ahead and sees a cave entrance just ahead.

"We'll get through this cave, then set up camp okay?" Zatel says Rio grabs his stomach as it growls.

".... Sorry... I'm hungry to." Rio replies with cold sweat.

"You're always hungry Rio. You must have incredible metabolism! You hardly seem to ever gain weight." Zatel says as he pulls out his flashlight as Rio just shrugs. Upon entering the cave, he flips it on and starts looking around.

"Huh.... This is a pretty open right now." Zatel says gazing up at the tall roof. Terra looks around, pulling out his flashlight and flicking it on as well.

"Well, it's called a mountain for a reason." Terra commented. "Although, I'd be less fascinated about how tall it is and be more worried if a Zubat's gonna try and clamp on to your face." As Terra says this, Gligar pops out of his pokéball then after locating Zatel dive bombs his face, latching on with a hug.

"Gligar!" Gligar cries gleefully.

"AHHH! GET IT OFF I THINK A ZUBAT JUST LATCHED ON!" Zatel screams as he flails around a little trying to pry Gligar off. Rio looks at zatel stunned before looking around frantcially trying to figure out what to do.

"Um.. Umm... Hold still Zatel! I'll help!" Rio says as he tries grabbing Gligar, only to be knocked to the ground by Zatel's flailing.

"WAAH!" Zatel yells as he trips over Rio and lands on his back. Terra looks at this, unable to hold back his laughter as he watches this all go down. He holds his ribs, then looks at them again, trying to calm down his laughter.

"It's... not a Zubat! It's Gligar!" Zatel stops flailing as he recognizes Gligar's head. After letting out an agitated sigh, he rubs Gligar's head causing Gligar to loosen his grip enough so he can pry him off his face, staring at Gligar annoyed.

"...Not... Funny Gligar." Zatel says as Gligar lets his tongue hang to the side before he leans forward and licks Zatel's face a couple times before smilingl. Terra calms down some more, but still chuckling somewhat loudly.

"I sure found it funny." Terra said. "And if Sylveon was awake, I'm sure she'd agree." Sylveon yawns, then blinks multiple times before opening them enough to see Zatel, Rio, and Gligar on the ground. She looks at them confused, then at Terra confused.

"Eon?" Zatel slowly gets up before pulling out Gligar's pokeball then pointing it at Gligar who gets a sad goofy face. Zatel sighs as he lowers the ball.

"You can stay out. Just... no more face hugging okay?" Zatel says as Gligar just nods his head in agreement. Zatel turns to Rio helping him stand up before looking forward. "Okay... Let's hope we have no more... incidents." Zatel says starting to walk deeper inside the mountain.

"You know, saying that's gonna make it happen now." Terra said. "But seriously, watch out for the Zubats. They. Are. Everywhere." Rio darts his eyes around until he focus on a creature.

"Ha! See?! That's not a Zubat!" Rio replies with a little sass as he points in a direction. Terra looks at where Rio is pointing, then sees a Doublade floating around. His eyes lock on to it, then he digs past Sylveon and pulls out a Quick Ball before clicking the button and making it bigger.

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