Chapter 12: Separated

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As Zatel wakes up from sleeping. He looks around and notices Rio is missing. Climbing out of the tent, he see's Rio a small distance, practicing some of his moves against a large boulder.

"Someone's up early today." Zatel approach's Rio from behind. Rio stops punching the boulder and turns around.

"Did you sleep well?" Rio telepathically tells Zatel.

"I slept fine." Zatel leans against a nearby tree. "What about you? How long have you been up?"

"I'm not sure how long, I couldn't sleep... So I came out here."

"Are you still blaming yourself for losing against that Aggron?" Rio looks down at the ground.

"No... Not really." Rio looks up into the sky. "I'm just lost is all..."

"How so?" Zatel walks closer, putting his hand on Rio's shoulder making Rio lock eyes with Zatel.

"I've been trying for so long to learn Aura Sphere and seemingly getting nowhere."

"That's all? You don't need to worry so much about it. It will come to you. I know it will, because you're a strong, talented Lucario."

"That's not entirely it." Rio sits down with a gloomy expression. "You remember that night I went out with Terra alone to train?"

"Yeah? That was the after we had beaten our first gym." Sitting down next to Rio. "What about it?"

"That's the night Terra showed me his arm...."

"Wait! You knew about his arm the whole time?!" Shocked to hear Terra had shown him that. "Why'd he show you his arm?"

"To make a point..." Looking down at the ground Rio takes a heavy breath. "He told me, that if I couldn't learn to control my emotions, namely my anger. That...." Choking on the words. "That I could... severely hurt you...." Tears start falling from Rio's face. "He didn't tell me how it happened. But he said that's why he has his arm. And that's why I feel so lost... Lost at what I need to do."

"So that's why you were so depressed and clingy afterwards." Zatel says connecting the dots, He puts his hand under Rio's chin forcing him to look at him. "Listen Rio, It's only been about a month since we left home, and so much has happened since then. But It takes time to learn how to control yourself."

"Yeah.. But, how do I start? Clearly I haven't come very far in controlling myself seeing how much I lost control in that fight with Syn..." Admitting his mistakes. Zatel shakes his head in disbelief.

"That's not true, you we're able to recognize and listen to my voice before you got confused from that Metal Sound. That's a step forward from the first time you lost control."

"You really think so?" Rio wipes the tears from eyes.

"I know so. Here's something that might help." Zatel reaches into his pocket and pulls out a silver bracelet holding it up for Rio to see. "Every time you find yourself getting angry or scared. I want you to look at this and remember that you're not alone. You have me, Turtwig, Helioptile, and even Terra to help you." Zatel snaps the bracelet on Rio's right wrist. Rio lifts his arm up, letting the light reflect off the bracelet.

"Where did you get this?"

"It was something my mom gave me before I left it, so I always had a part of her with me."

"Then why are you giving this to me?" Rio quickly looks back at Zatel with a confused look. "Shouldn't you be holding on this?"

"It's fine, I have our family photo as my phone's background." Zatel assures Rio. "Besides, she also gave me one of her earrings... Don't ask why... I don't know either."

"Thanks Zatel... I'll try and remember." Standing up Rio walks back over to the tent, and begins taking it down. After a few minutes he has it packed up with some help from Zatel. As they continue walking towards Veilstone City Zatel gets stopped by another trainer who challenges him to a battle.

"Alright, go Bibarel.." The other trainer shouts releasing a large Beaver like creature.

"Go Turtwig!" Zatel throws the pokéball containing Turtwig making him appear on the field. Rio stands to the side to observe.


"Turtwig, start this off with a Tackle attack!" Zatel shouts.

"Bibarel, dodge it then counter with Rollout!" The man counters. Turtwig charges at Biberal, giving Biberal little time to react as he barely dodges the attack, then curls up and rolls at Turtwig, knocking him aside while Biberal gains momentum.

"Turtwig!" Zatel yells. "Try using Razor Leaf!" Turtwig re-balances himself as he lands on his feet.

"Tur...Twig!" Turtwig then throws his head forward, shooting out a bunch of leaves at Biberal.

"Charge right through it Biberal!" Biberal turns around hitting the Razor Leaf head on, causing him to slow down a little before breaking through and hitting Turtwig again.

"No good... We need to stall Turtwig. Use Withdraw!" Turtwig quickly pulls himself into his shell right as Biberal hits him again sending him flying back bouncing off a couple trees, before landing and coming out of his shell a little dazed.

"Right on Biberal! We've got them now! Finish this off!"

"Biberal!" Biberal turns around once more with greater speed, slamming into Turtwig once more, sending him flying back landing on his back."

Tur... Twig.... Tur...." Turtwig cries struggling to get off his back and onto his feet.

"Turtwig!" Zatel cries out seeing Turtwig Is wide open for a attack.

"Still hanging in there?" The man questions. "You've raised a tough Turtwig, but it's time to end this. Biberal! Full power Rollout!" Bibarel turns once more coming at vastly increased speed.

I need to think fast! Zatel thinks as sweat starts dripping down his face. Turtwig! Use Razor Leaf right below you!"


"Trust me!" Zatel cries out, As Turtwig lanches Razor leaf right below himself, using the impact to propel Turtwig into the air barely dodging the Bibarel's rollout who comes out of the move looking around confused. Turtwig quickly rolls himself mid air, as he lands on his feet.
"Turtwig! Tur Twig Tur!!" Turtwig lets out as he becomes surrounded in light, showing his forme starting to change, when the light fades, Turtwig is standing taller, with two bushes growing on the sides of his now larger shell.

"Alright Turtwig! You evolved! Into Grotle!

"Thats the way Turtwig!" Rio shouts in their language.

"Grot." Grotle says looking up at Biberal with determination.

"Woah, he evolved!" The man shouts surprised. "We'll still win this, Bibarel another Rollout! Start gaining momentum again."

"Grotle, dig your claws into the ground and catch that Bibarel!"

"Grotle Grott!!" Digging his hind claws into the ground, he stands slightly, taking the impact from BIbarel's first rollout, skidding backwards as dirt flies everywhere. "Grottlle!"

"Grotle finish this with a Razor leaf!"

"Grot, Grotle!" Grotle starts throwing dozens of sharp bladed leaves at Bibarel point blank, causing a small explosion as Bibarel gets thrown backwards, landing on the ground in front of the trainer knocked out.

"Aww... I thought we had that...." The man recalls Bibarel defeated. "Though That was a fun battle, congrats on your Victory."

"Awesome job Grotle!" Zatel runs up and hugs Grotle. "You did so well. Now take a nice break." Recalling Grotle, Zatel turns to the trainer. "Hey, great battle. You did well Bibarel was awesome!"

"Thanks, though next time we meet up You're not gonna get so lucky with your Pokémon evolving mid battle." The man says handing Zatel some pokédollars.

"Till next time then." Zatel turns back to the path to Veilstone City, walking all day, and a bit slower than normal, with Rio helping him occasionally. 

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