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A year after the journey of Zatel and Terra ends, Terra is on the back of his Unfezant, flying in the sky and making his way towards Canalave City. Terra looks ahead, seeing the city in the distance. Terra lets out a sigh, keeping himself calm despite the height.

"Zatel's parents said that Zatel had moved to Canalave City. Let's just hope he's still there and not somewhere else. Otherwise, I'm not going to know where he is." Terra looks down, seeing the Pokémon Center in Canalave City. He points downward in front of Unfezant.

"Down there Unfezant. Land us at the Pokémon Center. Then you can have a break." Unfezant squawks out, then starts to descend. Eventually, Unfezant comes to a stop, letting Terra get off. Terra rubs Unfezant's head, then recalls her. Terra looks around, then looks at the address on his phone before walking down the streets. As he starts walking, Angel comes out of her pokéball, walking beside Terra.

"So~. We've finally landed, have we?" Terra looks down at Angel, smiling while rubbing her head.

"Yeah. Zatel's place shouldn't be too far from here. Hopefully he's home, otherwise I'll have to try calling him. Though, with his history, he probably won't pick up." Angel wraps one of her ribbons around Terra's left arm as they walk.

"Well, at the least, if he's not here, we could always stop at a small restaurant and get some milkshakes." Terra sighs as he rolls his eyes.

"What is it with you and milkshakes? I swear, you want one everyday."

"I can't help myself!" Angel responds. "Milkshakes are just my favorite treat! Creamy, smooth, and texture I like! Though, if I had to pick a favorite, the salty ones would have to be my favorite~." Terra squirms a little bit before clenching his teeth and looking at Angel.

"Angel, we both agreed we wouldn't speak about that anywhere else except at home." Terra responds. Angel laughs a little bit, tightening her grip on Terra's arm.

"Oh come on Terra, you and I know you enjoy it more than you let on." Terra clenches his teeth as he glares at Angel.

"Not. Out. Loud." Angel giggles before Terra lets out the air from his lungs. They turn a corner down another street, passing by other trainers and their Pokémon.

"If there's one thing I'm thankful for, it's that the people and the media move on quickly from publicity. Last thing I want is a crowd following me every step of the way for being the finalist and for taking down Syn."

"Careful," Angel says, "you might bring them back with your big mouth." Terra looks down at Angel with a red face, one of his eyes twitching.

"What did you just say?" Angel giggles some more, covering her mouth.

"I'm just saying. You've done a lot of things that you shouldn't have. You still haven't gotten over swearing yet." Terra groans, putting a hand on his head.

"Don't remind me. Mesprit won't stop putting random objects in my mouth whenever it happens." Terra cracks his fingers apart, then sighs.

"This should be the place. Let's just hope that Zatel is home, otherwise...." Angel turns her head back to Terra.

"Otherwise what Terra~?" Terra shudders a little bit, then knocks on the door. There's no response for several seconds, and just as Terra is about to turn and walk away, the handle starts to shake a little bit. Terra turns back to the door, and as it opens up abruptly, a loud screech is heard as a Garchomp screams in Terra and Angel's face. Terra flinches back, and so does Angel, but Angel's instincts start to kick in, making her lunge at the Garchomp, tackling it backwards, making it roll once before the Garchomp is pinned onto the ground. Angel looks down at the Garchomp, her ribbons restraining the Garchomps arms to the floor.

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