Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Zatel! Are you up yet?" His mother questioned, yelling at the ceiling. There was a moan from upstairs before a response came.

"Yeah, Mom... I'm up." Zatel says barely shouting back. He rolls over, sitting on top of his Snorlax shaped bed.

"Well, come down. Breakfast is ready. You don't want to be late to Professor Rowan's lab now do you? Dad has to leave to work soon." Zatel yawns as he starts to clap his hands on his face to wake himself up.

"Just wait a minute." Zatel says getting up and opening his blue colored closet, then quickly throws on a light green sweater over his dirty blonde hair, grabbing the brown backpack hanging on the doorknob he stops to look himself in the mirror, checking to make sure his hair was looking alright He notices he has some marks under his green eyes. "Guess I didn't get as much sleep as I thought." Zatel starts to walk downstairs.

"Coming!" As he takes his first step, he misplaces his foot on the short carpted staircase and ends up tripping, causing him to fall down the stairs where he finally lands on his back.

"Ooff..... That hurt." Slowly getting up, Zatel feels his mother's soft hand as she helps him back up.

"My gosh! Are you ok?" Zatel's mother asks, concerned that he hurt himself.

"Yeah, I think so" Standing up, Zatel walks over to the table with an occasional limp, sitting down on the black chair, he grabs some cereal from the table pouring it into his bowl as he starts picking them up one by one and plopping them into his mouth.

"How are you feeling Zatel?" His father asked, coming over and sitting down next to him.

"I guess a little excited, why? Is there a way I'm supposed to be feeling?" Zatel answers a little spiteful.

"No, not really, just curious." Zatel's Dad replies while sipping some coffee.

"How did you feel when you were about to get your first Pokémon Dad?" Zatel asked while drinking the milk from his bowl of finished Cheerios. Zatel's father leans back in his chair as he starts remembering.

"That takes me back," Mulin, Zatel's father said daydreaming. "That was a crazy day. I was actually a little late to Professor Rowan so I was relieved when Piplup was still there for me to choose. Course I was a little younger when I started, being around thirteen. It was similar to how your feeling now."

"Like I haven't heard that story before." Zatel says unimpressed. "Well, I'm ready to go!" Zatel, speaks while burping.

"Zatel! Your seventeen, you know better!" Lucy, Zatel's mother chastised.

"Sorry Mom." Zatel quickly apologizes.

"Hey, you asked the question now come on Zatel, I'll even drive you to the professor's to make sure you're not late, as it is quite a walk" Mulin gets up, grabbing the car keys from the kitchen counter. "You better call your pal, if you want to take him along."

"Right, I would never think of leaving him!" Slamming his knee on the table as he bolts up from his chair. "Owww!! Got... excited." Rubbing his knee as he walks to our back door and opens it up. "Rio! Are you out here buddy?" Zatel waits after speaking, listening for Rio.

Hearing his name called by a familiar voice, he runs over to the house till he sees Zatel. "I'm coming!" Sending his thoughts to Zatel. Seeing a blue furred bipedal canine like creature with a gold looking collar around his neck run up to him, Zatel smiles.

"There you are, you ready for our big day?" Squatting down to get eye level.

"Totally!" Leaping up to climb on his shoulders.

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