Chapter 11: A Splitting Decision

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As it starts to turn to daylight, Terra cracks his eyes open, groaning a little bit as he starts to lean up, only to have Sylveon lying down on top of him. Terra turns his head to Zatel, only to see him still asleep along with everyone else. Breathing a sigh of relief, he starts to slowly push Sylveon off him as he slides himself off the bed, making sure Sylveon lands on the bed as Terra gets up. Monferno, Rio, Luxio, Turtwig, and Helioptile are all still asleep as well. Terra scans the room, making sure that Zatel is fine before starting to walk out of the room and to the front of the Pokémon Center. Helioptile yawns as she opens her eyes and sees a blurry version of Terra walking out of the room.

"Helio?" Helioptile tilts her head confused at both the fuzziness of the image and Terra leaving before falling back asleep. As Terra exited the Pokémon Center, he saw people already working on breaking the rocks blocking the ruins and gave a sigh. He pulls out his ultra ball, looking at it again.

"Looks like I'll be using you more often. Let's just hope that it'll be enough." As footsteps approach Terra from behind, he quickly stashes the ultra ball away, then turns his head to see a couple walking on their way. Terra watches them go off for a little bit, then starts to turn to walk around town when he feels something tug his leg. Freezing in place, he shuts his eyes and looks down, opening them to see Luxio biting his pants. Terra crouched down, rubbing her on her head.

"Light sleeper, aren't you?"

"Lux." Terra laughed a little bit, then stood back up before starting to walk off. Terra looks back and motions for Luxio to follow. She comes running down and comes up right beside him. The two go off for a little bit, passing a few wooden buildings and seeing some ponds of water here and there. Eventually, Terra finds a bench and sits down. Luxio rests beside him on the ground. Silence falls upon them for a few seconds before Terra sighs once more and leans back.

"Of all the places we had to go, we're going to Veilstone City." Terra muttered. Luxio looked up at Terra confused.

"Xio?" Terra looked down at Luxio, then shut his eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the place, I'm just not really key on going back and meeting up with my parents so soon." Luxio looks at Terra with a bit of curiosity, perking her head up a little bit. Terra, seeing the look, knows he has to tell a little more, otherwise Luxio would bring him into a cat fight.

"Alright, look, I had Pokémon long before I had you or Monferno, and long before I've had this guy." Terra pulls out his ultra ball and shows it to Luxio. He then relaxes, letting his arm rest on the arm of the bench. "I don't talk about this to anyone because of those Pokémon."

"Luxio?" Terra, although not entirely understanding, got a general idea of what she was asking.

"They weren't bad. They were quite the opposite really. But... it's mainly just......." Terra let out a sigh, hesitating to finish his sentence. "Look, I'm not comfortable talking about it, and me saying what I have already is straining it. All I can really say right now is that I don't warm up for a reason. I also really wanted to put Sylveon back in the wild... but now... I can't. I'm too attached...." Terra leans forward, placing his arms on his knees.

"I'm just scared that something might happen that might cause-" Terra stops as he hears some commotion going on. Looking forward, he sees a crowd of people gathered around. Terra looks at the group more closely as they start laughing and squealing in delight. He stands up to get a better look, and sees a man in the middle of a crowd. Terra starts to walk forward, making Luxio follow close behind him. As Terra gets closer, some of the crowd moves away, showing a man with long brown hair reaching his shoulders, a green and blue eye, a blue tank top shirt, some shorts, and a pair of sneakers on. As Terra gets into the crowd, he sees what the crowd is looking at. Terra stops and just stares in complete astonishment. Beside the man was a silver Ninetales. Terra looks back at the man who is laughing with the crowd.

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