The beginning

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"Allen, I am lenient on almost everything, I do not care what you do with your time. But you have to do this, even if you don't want to" the King said sternly and honestly, Allen knew he was right. Even though he knew it, doesn't mean he liked it, at all.

"Please, just give me time to think about-" Allen tried to defend himself but was cut off by his father.

"This is not a time to think. The Bookmen clan and our kingdom have been planning this since you were brought into our lives. Allen, I know you will hate me for this but it has to be done. You will meet Prince Lavi in two days, then in a week you will be married. No if, ands, or buts. Am I understood?" The kings voice dropped from it's usual comforting tone, it was a sign that he was not to be fooled with.

Not that Allen cared "father-" again he was cut off

"Am I understood?" The king was a nice, polite man. And being on his bad side was not a place Allen was used to, but when the loving tone was gone, it was best to back down.

"Yes, sir." Allen bowed and left the dining room. There was one place he wanted to go, and if he had to marry a man he had never met before, he was going to spend as much time as he was able to at his boyfriends house.


Allen walked up to the small house in the little village outside of the royal city and knocked on the door. As he waited, he admired it's simplicity. Growing up in a mansion with everything being done for you, it made the little houses and happy families so much sweeter. If Allen was completely honest, Kanda's house was one of the best things about him.

Just as Allen was in the midst of his musing the door of the quaint house opened to reveal a tall man with long raven hair and a sword at his side. "Hey moyashi, I didn't expect you." Kanda said. Never one for long conversation, he always had short sentences.

Allen didn't feel like correcting Kanda today "There is something I need to tell you, and I want you to hear it from me, not from some stranger with a newspaper." Kanda stepped outside and shut the door behind him "can we walk and talk?" Allen asked and with a nod from the taller man, Allen grabbed his hand and started walking off to the forest the almost entirely surrounded the little village.

They walked in complete silence for a bit until Kanda couldn't shut up the nagging sensation in his head. "Ok, what is it you needed to tell me?" Kanda said sternly, stopping and pulling Allen in front of him to look at his eyes.

Allen was not having it, he looked down at his boots and started talking, hoping for the best. "You know that being the prince I have certain responsibilities." Allen started, taking a breath he continued. "often things like dinners, ceremonies, and marriage." Allen paused as he felt Kanda stiffen at the last word. Looking up, Allen placed his hands on the sides of his boyfriends face. "I don't want to, not with anyone except you. But the king signed a treaty that says, the bookman clan and walker kingdom must be united by marriage." Allen started crying, his legs felt like they were about to give out. "I don't want to. I tried to fight with father, I did. But he won't have it, and I don't know if I can do this. Please, just... don't hate me." Allen finished quietly, tears made their was down his face and onto his light grey vest.

Kanda pulled him into a hug and began to rub his back, "shh, it's ok. I don't hate you. I don't think I ever could."

"That is such a lie, you hated me when you first met me." Allen smiled at the memory of when they met so long ago.

"Ok, maybe a little. But now I love you, and nothing will change that." Keeping Allen close I his chest, Kanda set his chin on the top of the prince's head. "Does this mean we can't see each other anymore?" He whispered

"No." Allen pushed away from Kanda's chest, and for a second Allen could see hurt cross his boyfriends face. Allen put his hands on the taller man's arms "I won't let the kingdom come between us. I don't care if that makes me a bad heir but it's true. You are my everything, and you saved me. I would never let you go. Not for father, not for the kingdom, and most defiantly not for some stuck up prince."

"How do you know he's stuck up? Have you met him?" Kanda asked, moving a piece of pristine silver hair that had fallen away from Allen's face.

"Well.... Not exactly. But they are all that same! Stuck up and nosey. They only talk and think about themselves and never think about the little guy." Allen complained

"You can't just assume he's a bad person. Remember when I thought the same thing about you? I wouldn't want you running off with some prince and leave me behind." Kanda said giving a small smirk

"That would never happen." Allen said "But what are we going to do about him. I mean I have to get married to him, if I don't everyone could suffer for it. But I am not giving you up, not for the world."

"Well, we could... Never mind. That will never work.." Kanda said quietly

"What? What will never work?" Allen asked pushing at Kanda's chest. Who just shook his head "Tell me! Please! Come on!!" Allen pleaded giving Kanda his best puppy dog look.

"well I was just thinking... It sounds so weird out loud. Like we could date in secret while you're married to Lavi and just not tell him." Kanda said in a low voice. One that made Allen shiver a bit.

"You meant like adultery? Kanda! You could be killed for that!" Allen yelled before a hand slapped over his mouth.

"Shut up! Do you want to be caught?" Kanda scream-whispered. He pulled his hand off Allen's mouth who then began to rub his face

"Ow..... But you know. That could probably work." Allen replied quieter than before. "It might be harder than we have it right now but we could do it." Allen didn't like the idea because if they were caught Kanda would be executed for adultery, treason, corrupting the kingdom, rape of a royal and a possibility of various other offences.

"And it's not adultery if we don't have sex." Kanda said lightly as if they were taking about kittens or world peace.

"Wait, we aren't going to be having sex?" Allen already didn't like this idea.

Kanda gave a low chuckle "that sounds like a terrible idea doesn't it?" Allen nodded, eyes wide.

"That sounds like torture."Allen leaned against Kanda's chest, listening to the beat of his heart, it was so calming, Allen could have fallen asleep. "I need to get back to the castle." He said against his boyfriends chest, though he didn't move. Slowly, Kanda put his arms around the smaller boy and started to sway. Letting Allen marry another man was not going to be easy.

Minutes passed and the two stayed like that, neither making any move to leave. "I really need to go..." Allen said quietly.

"That's what you said five minutes ago." The man said, letting go of Allen who pouted when he was forced to let go. Kanda grabbed the princes face and gave his lips a small peck. "Go. I'll be here, waiting till you can see me again."

Allen nodded "I'm supposed to meet the heir to the bookman clan in two days. Married within the week. I'll see if I can get out before the marriage. I love you, wait for me." Allen always said that just before he left 'I love you, wait for me' as if he thought Kanda might go somewhere.

"Always" and that was Kanda's reply every time. With one look behind him Allen ran out of the woods and towards the castle. Kanda watched him go, then slowly walked out of the forest. Leaving after the other in the relationship was merely a precaution, Allen was paranoid, as he should be, it's a miracle that they hadn't been caught yet. It was a miracle that Kanda thanked every god he knew of for every night. Finally making it back to the home his little moyashi loved so much, he sighed and made his way in. This is going to be a stressful couple of days.

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