Chapter 5

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Shane's POV

So there wasn't really any food in the cabin, so I went out looking for a village or something. I walked for what seemed like forever and finally found a village.

I didn't have any money, so I had to steal some food. I'm pretty good at it and since this is Auradon they'd probably wouldn't notice me doing it.

People probably don't even think people are going to steal from them unlike the isle. They're always on guard on the isle. Or almost always.

I snatched some food for a good week. There was tons and tons of food. I don't think I've seen that much food in one place at one time in my whole life.

I started to walk back to the cabin. I walked straight, so it shouldn't be too hard to find my way back.

I got back to the cabin and the door was opened. I dropped all the food on the ground and ran inside.

I went to the room Mal was in and saw people. They turned around. It was Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Ben.

"What are you doing here? Did you take her?" Ben asked angrily.

I put my hands up in defense. "No. I brought her here because we got lost and I went out to find some food. I got back and this is what I come to."

Everyone looked confused. I explained what happened and Jay got mad at me.

"If you never called her Malsy we wouldn't be in this situation!" Jay yelled.

I suddenly realized Evie was holding something.

"Evie what's that?" I pointed to the piece of paper she was holding.

"It's a note."
I rolled my eyes. "No dip, what's on the note?"

She handed it to me and I read it over. I cloud feel everyone's eyes on me while I read the note.

"Impossible. She couldn't of left on her own. Mal wasn't even able to stand up. She tried to get up to go get some food and her knees buckled under her. That's why I left to go get the food in the first place. Someone must have taken her."

Everyone was in deep thought of who could have taken her. I then suddenly thought of something.

"Maybe someone else escaped through the barrier when Mal opened it. Just how I escaped." I suggested.

Ben looked terrified. "This is bad... so bad..."

He started to pace around the room.

"Dude! Pacing around the room is just gonna put a hole in the floor! That won't help the situation! Neither is blaming yourself." I told Ben.

He looked at me and nodded. "You're right. Pacing and blaming myself won't help save Mal. But what are we going to do? If we don't know who took her then how are we supposed to help?"

We all went into deep thought again until Carlos perked up. We all turned to him.

"What about a locator spell. We'll just need something of hers and the wand. Oh, and Mal's spell book. Or a spell book."

"We could use her spell book as the item!" Evie suggested.

We all then started to run towards Auradon prep.

Mal's POV

I was sitting on the bed looking at the ceiling. Can't really do something when you're bed bound. I was kind of bored.

Take that back, I was really bored. If I had my sketch book and some pencils I'd be fine, but I had nothing.

I'd just have to wait till Shane gets back or until someone finds me. I was thinking about what I could do when I was suddenly knocked out.

When I woke up I was in some type of dark prison cage.

"Hello?" I said.

I tried to get up, but I was chained. They weren't burning me though. Iron is supposed to burn fairies. I looked at the chains to examine them.

"It's bronze." Someone said.

"Why'd you take me?" I asked the mysterious voice.

"I need you." I tried to pull out of the chains.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I could bring out iron chains if you'd like."

I just gave up. "Why do you need me?" The figure came into the little light that was in the cell.

"It's all part of the plan." I gave my captor a confused look.

"Scar? What? Why the heck did you take me? And how'd you get-ooohhh."

He smiled at me and nodded. "Yep, the same way my son did. We had a plan, but once he saw you he totally forgot about the plan. I was furious. So I kidnapped you. He is definitely going to continue the plan if I threaten to hurt you."

He kept on rambling while I tried to come up with a spell to get me out of there. He looked at me and noticed what I was trying to do.

"Idiotic child, you think I'm stupid?"

I smirked. "Yes."

I knew it was a rhetorical question, but it was too good to pass up. Even if he wanted to kill me. He rolled his eyes.

"You think you're sooo funny. Anyways, I put a spell blocker in those chains. You can cast any spells or do any type of magic."

I cursed under my breath.

"A part of me hopes he says he doesn't want to help even though that would mean he wouldn't be helping me. I'd love to watch you suffer."

'Of you do. You insane maniac.' I thought to myself.

"You turned Shane soft. I would want make you suffer anyways if he agreed to be with me, but Shane would probably turn against me and I can't have that."

He got up in my face and pushed a price of my hair back.

"You know, I could let you go. If you did something." He said seductively.

"What?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"You. Me. Bed."

Scar was the guy on the isle who wanted to do it with everyone. I thought it was super gross then and I still do.

"Like is want to do that. I wouldn't willing do that. I'd rather be dead than do that with you."

He got angry. He smacked me on the face. Hard too. He also punched me in the face.

"Guards!" He called. "Get me the iron chains."

I heard the clanking of iron around the corridor. Then two people showed up with chains in their hands.

Scar grabbed them and put them on me. He kept the bronze on me still. The iron was burning my skin.

I wanted to scream, but I knew that's what he wanted so I didn't. I held it in. It burned really bad though. It's probably go numb later.


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