Chapter 26

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Jay's POV

I think I'm ready. Ready to reveal these weird feelings bottling up inside me all this time. I didn't really want to say anything since Mal was having a hard time with... life basically, but these feelings can't go unheard anymore. I need to come clean.

While we all split apart I decided to go to Audrey to break up with her. I haven't seen her in a long time, but that's not why I want to break up. It's for a... more complicated reason that involved more of me than it does her.

I was so nervous when I was knocking on her dorm room door. I couldn't believe Audrey is going to be the first person to hear about this. Not even my best
friends! But, since she needs to understand why I'm doing this I'm going to have to come out.

The door swung open and Audrey was standing in front of me. She had a huge smile on her face, but it disappeared once she saw my expression.

"Jay-poo, what's wrong?" She questioned me. Don't even ask about the nickname.

"I'm breaking up with you." I said, coming straight out with it. Her expression showed disappointment, sadness, confusion, and anger.

"Wh-What?" She stuttered.

"It's not you, it's me. Definitely just me." I took a deep breath and I put my hands in my hair, stressed about the way this is going to come out. "Ok, look, Audrey, you are a nice girl. Definitely nicer than when we first arrived here, but there's something I don't quite understand how it happened, but it did. Audrey, I can't believe your the first person I'm saying this to, but I'm..." But I couldn't get it out all the way.

"You're?" She asked gently, which I didn't expect. I expected her to be mad, but she doesn't look like that.

"I'm... I'm... I like boys." I couldn't say that word. I just couldn't, but at least I got the message across.

Audrey put her hand on my shoulder while I put my hands on my hair again. She gave me a sincere smile.

"I know." I looked at her in great surprise.

"Wait, how?"

She laughed a little bit and smiled at me. "I see the way you are mesmerized by the boys on the tourney team. I see it when you're practicing at tourney and I'm practicing not far away for cheerleading. Yes, you flirt with any girl you see, but you never took too much interest. I think you only dated me because you were scared of the truth and tried to push those feelings aside. You thought if you tried dating me would get those feelings to go away, but that didn't happen. I know Jay, and I bet your friends do, too. And I know for a fact they won't care and will support you. So stop running from yourself! BE who you truly are."

I couldn't help but give a big hug. I'm not usually a hugger, but that speech deserved one. "Thank you, Audrey. And I'm sorry for putting you through that and all."

"It's fine."

Carlos's POV

Jay texted the group chat to meet in our dorm room. He has an announcement. I'm hoping he's finally coming out of the closet and telling us he's gay. I've waited a long time for him to finally admit it. I too am sort of gay. I'm bisexual. I've never admitted it, but if Jay comes out so will I. I actually used to like Jay, but finally got over it once I found Jane.

I was already chilling in our dorm room when Jay came in. He was followed by all the people in the group chat: Mal, Ben, Evie, Jane, Shane, Harry, Zevon, Anthony, Lonnie, Chad, and Audrey. No longer, Doug, since Evie had informed everyone on the group chat he cheated on her and she dumped him. Good for her!

"Ok. Everyone is here now." I saw him glance at Audrey who gave him an encouraging smile. Did she tell her before he told us?? Well, she is his girlfriend, probably not anymore though. Jay took a deep breath. "Everyone knows I'm dating Audrey."

"Yep." Or similar answers came out of everyone's mouth.

"Well, we broke up. But we're cool. The reason we broke up though was that... I'm..." he glanced over at Audrey again. She nodded. "I'm gay."

"Good for you!" Mal cheered and went up and patted his back. "You finally got it out of you. After all this time. We love you no matter what Jay, I just want to let you know that even though you probably knew it already. It's always great to have a reminder." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"And I'm bi!" I said out of nowhere. Everyone turned their heads toward me.

"I've always wanted to come clean, but I didn't have the confidence. But I told myself when Jay sent out the text that if he comes out I will too! Also, I actually used to like Jay. Don't worry, I got over it." I confessed. Jay smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

"Good boy." Dude said next to me. We all laughed.

"Anyone else want to come out of the closet? Or get anything off their chest?" Jay questioned and we both looked around the room.

A couple of moments passed when another person spoke up. "I'm pan." Lonnie stated proudly. "I never wanted to confess because of my parents, but seeing you two do it brought my courage up to do it as well."

"Wow, Lonnie not having any confidence? Never heard of that before." Jay teased. Lonnie rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Wait for a second... Lonnie likes pans? As in what you use to make pancakes?" Chad ignorantly asked. Everyone face-palmed themselves at his stupidity.

"No, Chad. That means Lonnie likes basically anyone. No matter what sex or gender identity the person possesses." Evie explained while rolling her eyes.

"Anyone else want to come out with something?" I questioned. No one else spoke. "Alrighty then... who wants to order some pizza, play videos, and just have some fun?" Everyone cheered and I picked up my phone to order some delicious pizza.

(A/N: I wanted to add the other VK's love lives into the story a bit. I think it's a little more interesting. Thoughts?)

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