thirteen - the old box

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"And then he just kept kissing me and telling me that he loved me, and it made me fucking come," Gerard said, hugging me closer as he held me in his lap. I hid my burning face in my hands as Gerard explained how I'd told him. "And then we showered together and when we were in bed and he asked me to be his boyfriend, and we had this whole cheesy thing about trust, and it was perfect," he finished, kissing the top of my head.

Jamia grinned, turning to Lindsey and holding her hand out. "Oh, come on, baby, I told you he'd go through with it."

Lindsey rolled her eyes. "I'm glad I owe you because if I didn't, I would have to start hating Frank," she groaned as she handed Jamia a ten-dollar bill.

"You bet on me?" I said, taking my head out of my hands. "That's cruel."

"I knew you could do it," Jamia grinned. "I had absolutely no doubt of your undying love for Gerard Way."

I sighed, smiling. "Thanks, Mia. I still love you, though, Lindsey."

"Good. Because I was the one who convinced her to give you tough love. And that's what convinced you to finally fucking treat my best friend right." Lindsey grinned, crossing her arms.

I nodded, placing a kiss on Gerard's neck chastely. "I told you I'm sorry, right?"

"Too many times," he smiled, kissing my forehead in response.

"Oh my god, they're finally fucking back to normal!" Lindsey squealed.

"Took 'em long enough. A year and a half, was it?"

"Time fucking flies, man," Lindsey smiled, squeezing Jamia's hand.

"Mm... Was too long," I mumbled, kissing Gerard again quickly. I finally had the feeling of his warm chest against my head and his arms around me and his perfect kisses. And I could tell him that he meant the world to me and I could tell him that I was his and we could go on dates and be silly and sleep in each other's beds and everything could go back to how it was before it all went to shit.

"I love you," he whispered, and I smiled, leaning into his chest.

"I love you too."

---nine months later---

"Oh my god, you have to let me help you, what are you doing?!" I cried as soon as I got to Gerard's house from the studio.

Gerard was leaning over the sink mixing red hair dye into a bowl with his newly bleached hair dangling around his eyes. He fucking started without me. I shook my head, putting my things down on the couch and grabbing a pair of gloves.

"Oh, please, I've done this before," he scoffed.

"But you're gonna let me do it because I fucking love it."

"Fine," he huffed, sitting down on the toilet and giving me the red hair dye. I scooped some into my hand and started scrubbing it into his dark orange coloured hair.

"And now," I said, scrubbing the last of the dye into his hair. "We wait... for how long?"

"It said forty-five minutes on the box, but we could like watch a movie and then wash it out."

"No, baby, we should cook dinner, you're forgetting your priorities," I laughed and his eyes lit up.

"Oh my god, I'm horrible," he laughed. "Let's cook dinner."


"So, what do you--" Gerard began as he walked out of the bathroom.

"I FUCKING LOVE IT!" I yelled, running over to my boyfriend and drying my hands off on his dishtowel.

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