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I opened the door as quietly as possible. It was three in the morning, but since I was jet-lagged, I was far from tired. But apparently our cat was awake because she came strolling down the hall, rubbing up against my legs and curling at my feet. I grinned, kneeling and rubbing her back and stomach.

The apartment smelt of new coffee and of Gerard, and I glanced over at the windowsill to see that our plants were doing magnificently. It was just like Gerard had said. It was perfect. I grabbed my guitar case and suitcase and put them in my music room before walking into the kitchen to see Gerard with headphones in, reading a book, and still fucking awake.

I, of course, being the perfect husband, took this opportunity to wrap my arms around his torso and place a multitude of small kisses across his neck.

He turned around, quickly ripping his earbuds out, hands poised to attack.

"Gee, baby, it's just me!" I giggled, and his face softened. He didn't look tired at all. That was probably because of the coffee. In fact, he had a steaming mug in front of him right now.

"Frankie!" he cried, grinning and pulling me in for a hug. We stood there for a while until I pulled away and smashed our lips together. When we pulled apart, he looked at me with those sparkly eyes and magical smile that hadn't gone away for the five years we'd been married.

And yeah, my stomach still did backflips when I saw him.

I rested my forehead against his and he smiled, his hands settling around my waist as mine did on his shoulders.

"How was the tour? How was your flight? How are the rest of the Cellabration?"

"Calm down, I'll tell you tomorrow, I'm... I wanna spend some time with you right now, baby. I read the issue of Killjoys that just came out. I got it at this cute comic store. It was so good," I grinned and felt him kiss my cheek.

He'd really gotten everything he'd asked for. We had a cat, our favourite plants, we were married, he'd made it with his comics and me with my music, and we had our perfect little flat in the middle of New York. It was everything I'd ever wanted as well, so it worked out quite nicely.

"You liked it?"

"Yeah, I loved it, baby. Party Poison is so sexy, even though we only see him for like a moment."

"I think Fun Ghoul is much sexier."

"That's because you drew him based on me, dumbarse," I chide, smiling anyway.

He shrugged, and then just kissed me, and I'm sure you can imagine where that went eventually after months of being away from each other. By the end of the night, his name was rolling off my tongue like water off of leaves in the rain.

I loved my husband and he loved me, and we had our perfect little fairy-tale for ourselves right here and right now.


"Oh my god," Lindsey rolled her eyes, pointing at our necks as she walked into our flat the next morning for brunch. "You two are so fucking insufferable."

"We know," I grinned, snuggling into Gerard's chest as I settled on his lap on the sofa. Both of our necks were covered in hickeys, and yeah, my arse hurt a little and yeah, it was a little hard to walk, but that's all part of the fun. Besides, who needed to walk when you had Gerard's lap right here.

"It's good to see you, Frank," Jamia said brightly, setting a box of muffins on the table. "Even though I can tell that you and Gee already fucked."

"Dude, three times in a goddamn row," Gerard sighed, his arms wrapping protectively around me. "And the last time, he did the same thing he did when he told me he loved me again after our conflict, and it made me come so fucking hard."

I groaned, feeling my cheeks turn bright red and hiding my face again. Lindsey and Jamia giggled.

"But the first time," Gerard went on. "I topped, and he was fucking screaming my name so loud, I'm sure our neighbours woke up."

"Gerard--" I said, but he cut me off.

"Like, listen to his voice, it's sore from screaming my name."

"Gerard fucking stop," I whined, because yeah, my voice was sore from screaming.

"Are you sure it isn't because he sucked your dick?" Jamia asked, pouring herself a cup of tea.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure," Gerard said. "Because he didn't. But I sucked his and then he ate me out."

"Gross, Gee," Lindsey snorted.

"How do you think I feel?" I complained.

"I think you probably get hard from it," Jamia said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, don't complain, you're the one who wanted to do it and I know it," Lindsey added. I opened my mouth to protest, but I literally couldn't.

"I mean..." I began. "He washed his arsehole for me when I asked him to so I had to."

Gerard giggled, kissing the top of my head sweetly, clearly happy that I was partaking in this conversation. It wasn't as if we hadn't done this before. In fact, Jamia and Lindsey often spoke of their kinky escapades as well, and I thought I knew all of their kinks, but you never know, because they didn't know about how Gerard dressed up for me sometimes.

"Anyways, he didn't last ten minutes when I did, so it's alright, it wasn't that bad," I shrugged, feeling him swatting my arm gently. "Hey, man, what'd I do?" I complained.

"I lasted longer than that," he teased.

"You did not."

"Did too."

"No, but you lasted longer when I fucked you, so it's okay. My tongue was just made in hell, so you didn't stand a chance, darling," I said, cocking an eyebrow.

"True," he sighed.

"Oh my god, you won't believe what Jamia and I did last night," Lindsey said once the silence had settled.

Needless to say, we didn't really eat until it was around lunchtime.


"Frankie, come to the bedroom, I have a surprise for you!" I heard Gerard yell.

I strode into the bedroom and felt my knees go weak immediately. Gerard had on our o-ring choker, okay, sure that was sexy, but he also had on a lacy black thong and bra. He hadn't dressed up for me in a while, so when I saw him staring at himself in the mirror, his whole arse on display, I leant against the wall, steadying myself.

"Gee, fuck," I said, seeing him smirk in the mirror.

"I'm all yours, Frankie. I'm all yours to play with."

"Play with?" I whispered, the feeling of those words out of an innocent context overtaking my mind. I was gonna make this man scream.

"Do whatever you want to me, Frankie," he whispered, making his way over to me and pressing his body against mine. Immediately, my hands went to his arse, stroking it gently and making him shiver. One of my hands played with the elastic of the underwear while I pressed my lips to his, taking his bottom lip in between my teeth, biting and sucking on it.

"You gonna be all mine tonight, princess?" I growled, reclaiming the word he'd used with me and making it dirtier, needier. More loving.

He nodded, humming as I sucked on his already ruined neck, marking it up further, whispering "yeah you are" into it as I continued giving him hickeys. I had him pressed up against the opposite wall now, and I grinned as his legs wrapped around me.

"Ugh, yeah," he gasped as I ground my hips up into his. "I'll be yours forever, Frankie."

I smiled to myself. "I know, princess. I'll be yours forever too."

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