Chapter 1:The announcement

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"GAH" Marinette yelled as she jumped and fell out of her bed. Marinette was not the type of girl to really wake up early. Y'know being the superhero of Paris is really tiring. Marinette dragged her self up and went into the bathroom and washed up and got in to her regular clothes.

She brushed her hair into its usual pigtails and grabbed her bag to head of to school. She grabbed some cookies for tikki and said bye to her parents. When Mari got there she sat on the step waiting for her only friends alya and Chloe. While Marinette was waiting she saw a black limo pull up, hoping it was chloe she stood up and smiled. But then it wasn't Chloe.........

It was a blondie with green beautiful orbs. But even though his eyes w and his appearance was beautiful doesn't mean his attitude was. "Hey Mari-trash" the blonde boy said with an evil smirk on his face, "L-leave m-me alone a-adrien" Marinette stuttered out.

Ever since Lila (a/n: you mean Dora the liar 🤥 😏) came to this school she's been spreading rumors about Mari. Everyone decided to believe her and turned against her.

The only ones who weren't fooled were alya and soon they became friends with Chloe once she got more nice and turned on lila. " Now now mari-brat you know I can't do that" Adrien said with that DISGUSTING smirk still on his face. Adrien went up and kicked Mari in the stomach.He then took her book bag and threw out all her supplies and stuff. Marinette couldn't stop him, she was still whining in pain from the kick. Adrien was about to punch Marinette but the bell ringed. "Your lucky Mari-trash" and with that adrien walked away.

At that exacted moment alya and Chloe came and helped Mari up and they all headed to class.

Mari didn't need to explain because alya and Chloe already knew what happened.

Le magic time skip brought to you by *plagg's cheese* 😂

Ms.Bustier has just walked in the class room looking really excited, "you ms.B why you look so happy" Kim called out. Ms.Bustier looked annoyed at how he just called out, but calm down when she thought of the news "Well class we just won.......THE CULTURE CONTEST!!!!!!" Ms.Bustier yelled in excitement but one blonde boy had to ruin the mood (let me die in peace from this dumb French fry who is no longer my cinnamon roll 😒) Adrien scoffed "And it's not like we won a prize" adrien rolled his eyes "Well Adrien you didn't let her finish" Alya exclaimed. This made Mari and Chloe scared. Alya never did that and the girls saw the expression on adrien's face. He looked like he wanted to murder alya. Luckily he couldn't because the teacher shushed them. "Class we are now going on a 10 week trip to China and we will be there to see the princess of Spain, China and England's coronation" everyone started to cheer even the three girls. When Nino noticed they were cheering he decided to make them lose hope "I bet all of us can go except the three nerds I bet the princesses would want to see us and not them" Nino said as he laughed. The girls almost believed him and look down. The entire class laughed

Ms.Bustier got mad because she knew something about those three girl that they nor the class knew about. "ENOUGH!!!" Ms.Bustier yelled "Everyone go home and pack we will be leaving at 10:40am to go to the airport you are all dismissed"

"Hey girls how about we head over to my house for a sleep over and we can go to the air port from there" Marinette suggested "ok" alya and Chloe said at the same time. After them realizing they said it at the same time they giggled. "Well well well if it isn't he nerd squad" they heard a voice say behind them. All three girls slowly turned to see adrien, Lila and Nino. Before the meanies could say another word the girls ran to Marinette house.

Another time skip sponsored by my laziness

"Hi maman hi papa" Mari said as she came in the bakery "Good afternoon, mrs and mr.Dupain-Cheng" Chloe and Alya said as they walked in. When the girls walked they were all shocked to see their parents on the couch in Marinette's living room. "Mom, Dad what are you doing here" Alya asked, raising one eyebrow. " I could ask the same for you dad" Chloe questioned. Why were their parents in the living room of the Dupain-Chengs and why do they have a sad expression on their face?

Well that's it for this chapter. Do you guys hate me for leaving it on a
cliffhanger 😏 😏 😏

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