Chapter 6: Kwami talk

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Tikki's POV
I was just in the kitchen with pollen and trixx, we were eating cookies, while our owners were getting on their fitting. When suddenly I got a feeling "Hey do you feel that" I asked the two kwamis. Trixx swallowed a cookie "yea it feels like, 2 other kwamis" trixx added, we headed to where we sensed the wave. It led us to.............. the guest room? Why did we end up here? "Um what are we doing here" Pollen asked in total confusion, well I mean we all were shocked.

Third person POV
Tikki, Pollen and Trixx went into the room and saw 2 figures. One black and One green. As they got closer they realized they were kwamis, "PLAGG?!?!?" Tikki yelled in confusion "WAYZZ?!?!?!!" pollen and trixx yelled at the same time. They looked at each other and frowned, trixx and pollen both had a crush on wayzz it kinda didn't affect their friendship............

Most of the time

Plagg and wayzz turned their head like the spread of lighting "SUGAR CUBE!!!!!" The cat kwami jumped up and floated to his favorite girl kwami "what are you doing here plagg" trixx asked very happy to see him "Well my holder adr-" plagg forgot the curse of them saying their holders name if the holders themselves have not showed each other's identities. "Chat noir is here" plagg said pretty annoyed "plagg what's wrong what did your holder did to you this time" Tikki asked concerned, she was scared for her favorite kwami not only was he her favorite person or kwami in that matter, he was also her crush.

"Wait plagg you were sitting on Adrien's bed when we came in" Trixx started suspiciously, could it be such and unlucky day for the banana head. "Plagg is your holder?" Trixx was about to finish her sentence but wayzz finished it first "yup his holder is adrien" wayzz stayed with so much confidence "WAYZZ" plagg yelled at him hitting the wise kwami in the head "WHAT?!?!?" Tikki yelled she was upset, this whole time the holder of the kwami she loved had been bullying and torturing her holder for 2 years now. He didn't deserve to be chat noir nor did he deserve to be in love with ladybug. Tikki was deep in thought until her thoughts were broken by a cheese loving chat.

Plagg's POV
I knew it, I shouldn't have told them, but a certain turtle had to ruin it. "T-Tikki" is all I could say, I loved Tikki and I couldn't lose her. "Oh sorry plagg" tikki said a little concerned. "I still can't believe it plagg your holder is a bully" pollen exclaimed "Tikki I hope this doesn't change anything between us. I-I didn't want this, he was just chosen for me" I said hoping tikki would forgive me. I honestly didn't want this as much as I told the kid to stop bullying and that Lila bitch was lying he didn't believe me and said for me to shut up "of course not, plagg" tikki said happily but then that smile turned into a frown in an instant "But as much as I love to see you, I just don't think adrien is good enough to be a superhero after all this" tikki continued.

I nodded in agreement as much as I love the kid he is going in the wrong direction. But at the same time, h-he's the only holder that's treated me right. I was so into thought I didn't notice tikki and the other kwamis hugging me because.

I was crying

"I'm sorry plagg, I didn't mean to hurt you" I hear tikki choke out I think I made her cry and the other kwamis because I heard some sobs. "It's fine sugar cube" I reply, wow I never knew how much I loved her until now.

Marinette's POV
"Tikki" I whisper-yelled "Trixx" Alya whisper-yelled. Ugh where are hose little kwamis, wait a minute mom said Chloe can not only see the future but the past too "Chloe can't you use your powers to see where they went the last place they said they were going what the kitchen" I told my blonde cousin, she nodded in responses. We rush over to the kitchen to and runs her porcelain skinned fingers across almost everything until she gets to the cookie jar.

Of course it would be the cookie jar. Anyways when she got there she jolted (jumped) then turned to us, but her expression wasn't what we expected, she was worried. "Um Chlo are you ok" alya asked "no because the kwamis are in the bedroom of the class" chloe answered, I could feel my heart drop "WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING IN THERE?!?!" I yell loud enough for half the castle to hear "sshhhhhhhhh" alya and chloe shush me. I stomp over over to that room and bust open the door and see not only our 3 kwamis but 2 others.

"Pollen!" Chloe yells running to her kwami "trixx!" Alya yells doing the same. "Tik- wait wayzz, plagg what are you guys doing here aren't you supposed to be back in Paris" I ask the kwamis.

Wait a minute why are plagg and wayzz in this bedroom and where did plagg get Camembert from. No don't tell me (A/N: in this ladybug didn't give anyone the kwamis it was actually master Fu so no one knows each other's identity unless they tell it to each other) that one of our classmates are carapace and chat noir "Marinette!" Tikki and plagg yell floating as fast as they can towards me "hey plagg what are you doing here" when I ask that I could notice plagg and tikki look at each other with worried expressions. "Wait plagg is your holder here" I asked the cat looking kwami, he nods his head slowly. Well the only person here who is blonde and is a boy in our class is- "ADRIEN?!?!?!" I yell out of nowhere alya and chloe look at me but then understand "no no no no no this cannot be happening" I panicked the boy I have been rejecting and that has been in love with me but also bullying me in civilian form is the adrien agreste but he is also chat noir. "Calm down mari we can show him what he did at our coronation" alya says trying to calm me down.

"Do you mind telling me where Nino" wayzz asked, I give the 'not the time look' and so does the others "sorry" he apologizes realizing it wasn't the time "Marinette I'm sorry" plagg says "it's not your fault you never knew" I answer "do you wanna spend time with tikki and the others" I ask knowing he's sometimes lonely. He looks up at me like he just saw 8,000,000 wheels of Camembert  "yes yes yes YAY" he answers happily "ok plagg" alya says and chuckles "tell adrien if you want to come if you can explore or get some cheese and come to the west wing of the tower or you could just go under a table there will always be a small portal that will lead you to our bedroom" Chloe says,plagg nods.

Third person POV
The three girls heard some kids on their way to the room they were in "Quick Girl make a portal" Marinette then made a blue and pink portal appear, the girls and the kwamis said their bye's to come plagg and went threw.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter but the question is will adrien and the class find out the girls secret at the coronation or before? Who knows keep reading to find out

-Bug out 😉

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