Chapter 14: The Wedding

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9 Months Later

Third person POV
Marinette had been woke by the constant knocking on her door. She groaned and made her way to the door, she was greeted by an ombré haired girl with a big belly "Hi Alya" Marinette said tiredly.

"Girl what are you doing still sleeping your future husband is already getting ready and so should you" Alya complained "Hey it's not only my wedding" Marinette told her cousin, Alya stepped in "Yea I just woke up Chloe" Alya said.

"And why should I listen to you" Marinette smirked "Hey just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't slap you" Alya argued "Gosh ok, at least calm your hormones" Marinette said walking over to her vanity. "Come I'm gonna do your make up" Alya said Marinette looked at her thirdly and annoyed "Can I at least wash first" she said alya nodded.

Marinette had just finished washing and brushing her teeth now she doing her hair. "Ok Alya I'm ready" Marinette said, Alya squealed and raced Marinette to the vanity "Can her hormones get any worse" Marinette thought "Yea they can now shut up" Alya said.

Alya finished Marinette's hair and make up and was now in her hay to see how Chloe was doing "Put on your dress and heels the wedding starts in an hour" Alya said as she left the room. Marinette but on her puffy white wedding dress and her high white flowered heels and this is what she wore.

 Marinette but on her puffy white wedding dress and her high white flowered heels and this is what she wore

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Marinette looked at herself in her body-sized mirror but couldn't help but feel......unsure and unsafe and in danger......

Of course it wasn't marrying Adrien that made her feel like that. She loved Adrien with all her heart, hell she would rather die then not marry him. But it was something she felt, she felt there was an evil coming. But how could that be if they defeated Valtor.

She then realized her hand flew straight up to her ears as she felt her earrings still there but that didn't trouble her "Marinette, what's wrong?" The ladybug themed kwami asked her holder "I can't help but feel we're in danger" Marinette responded looking at the floor.

"What do you mean? This is your special day, the day you always dreamed of!" Tikki exclaimed "No Tikki it's not marrying Adrien that worries me I just have a negative feeling that something would go wrong" Marinette told her kwami "Don't worry if something does happen I'll be right there with you" Her kwami encouraged and hugged her cheek.

"Aw thank you Tikki" Marinette cooed and caressed her kwami in the cup of her hands. Then there was a knock at the door "Who is it?" Marinette yelled from one side of the door "It's your Father it's time for me to walk you down the aisle" the person on the other side of the door said.

Marinette looked at he time. Wow it was 11:00AM already, time sure does go fast. She went and opened the door and saw her dad "Morning Father" she said nicely and walked out of her room "Morning Mari, you look wonderful" he complimented "Thank you Father" She replied sweetly. When they got to the aisle they could see Brandon already waking Chloé down and Claude and Adrien blushing.
Chloe was wearing:

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