Chapter 4:Tour Of The Castle

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Third person POV

Marinette ran up to her parents and gave them a big hug. Not to long after alya and Chloe came to their aunts and uncle with tears in their eyes. "Oh how I've missed you my little bug" queen Bloom said. "M-mom, d-dad" Marinette looked up from the hug "c-can I call you that" Marinette asked nervously, King Felix got down to Marinette's level "of course you can sweetie" Felix had a smile on his face "Lara come give my daughter and her cousin and my niece's boyfriend a tour of the castle" Lara was the name of the maid

"Yes ma'am" Lara bowed, "Remember what I told you about bowing and calling me ma'am" Bridgette exclaimed "oh yes Bridgette sorry come on girls" the girls followed Lara
"This is the royal dining room"

"Yes ma'am" Lara bowed, "Remember what I told you about bowing and calling me ma'am" Bridgette exclaimed "oh yes Bridgette sorry come on girls" the girls followed Lara "This is the royal dining room"

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"Our regular dining rooms"

"Our regular dining rooms"

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"How many dining rooms do you- I mean we have" Mari asked "1 royal and 3 regular" Lara replied with a smile "next stop our grand living room"

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"How many dining rooms do you- I mean we have" Mari asked "1 royal and 3 regular" Lara replied with a smile "next stop our grand living room"

"How many dining rooms do you- I mean we have" Mari asked "1 royal and 3 regular" Lara replied with a smile "next stop our grand living room"

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"Wait does anyone hear that" Nino asked. They heard bunch of chattering and cursing. "THE CLASS!!!" Mari, Chloe, Alya and Nino yelled in unison

Look I know this is short but I have WAAAAYYYYYY to many pictures so yea see you next time

-Bug Out

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