Chapter 5: Magic powers

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Please don't judge me for what is about to go down in this chapter I just got some inspiration from the princess books I read 😓

Alya's POV
We heard out class come in "what are they doing here" I asked concerned, Lara looked at us confused thinking we should know something.

"Didn't Bridgette and Felix tell you your class is staying here for the time being". I didn't know what to think, should I be mad, scared, or concerned "Well looks like I will be having a conversation with my mom and dad" Marinette was pissed I couldn't help but giggle a bit. She stomped downstairs me and Chloe tried stopping her from saying- "MOTHER, FATHER" she screamed luckily the class didn't hear because they were to busy chattering.

Marinette's POV
Everyone stopped and looked up at the staircase where me, Alya and Chloe and Nino were standing. "WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE BRATS DOING HERE" Lila yelled

"And where is the princesses" mylene asked

"Will we be seeing them" max asked

There was just a bombarded of questions going around the Palace until someone decided to bring the attention back on us "um hello guys we still need to figure out why those losers are here" a blonde asked annoyed as hell, my mom was about to shout before my dad held her back. Everyone turned to us with death glares they look like they had just saw someone kill Their cat or something then Lila asked "Again what are you doing here".

Alya's POV
At this point I was pissed no one can talk to my best friends/cousins like that. If this was an anime my face would be read and smoke would be coming out of my ears. I clenched my hands into a fist, at the time I was staring at a flower pot. Then out of no where the flower pot was lifted from the floor and the water and the plants dumped on Lie-la and Banana head Boi, "WHAT THE HECK??!?"  I was shocked I'm not sure if I did it or not but it sure was hella hilarious .

From the corner of my eye I saw my auntie and uncle smile, I'm confused did they know I could do that.

A/n: this is a reference from my fav tv show since I was a little girl it's "Charmed" not the new one the old one

Chloe's POV
After lila asked that, I noticed Mari was tensed up, I put my hand on her shoulder and got a shock. It was like I saw a vision

Class running to us, Mari put her hands up and the class froze in their spot

I snapped out of it at the same moment, a flower pot flew in the air and and dumped its plants and water on Lie-la and Banana Boi, "WHAT THE HECK??!?" Lila yelled "YOU!!!" She said stretching the "y". The entire class came running us trying to tackle us down, when the guards try and stopped them, uncle Felix put up one finger telling them to wait. Mari was so scared she threw her hands up like she surrendered. To our surprise the entire class froze in their steps. Auntie Bri and Uncle Felix we're standing there smiling but they weren't frozen "How come you guys aren't frozen"

'And how come they knew what was happening' I thought

"I know right my mom and dad just sat there staring at us you these..........powers?" Mari said, I turned to Mari confused I know i said that in my head "uh Mari how did you know what I said in my head" I asked Marinette she just shrugged. Then she turned to her parents " mom, dad explain" "ok ok" uncle Felix started "So apparently you guys are princesses but your also.......The charmed ones"Uncle Felix finished "I THOUGHT THEY WERE JUST A MYTH" alya screamed we were all shocked, we learned about them in history class but the teacher said they weren't real. "So your telling us we have some sort of magic power" Marinette exclaimed still a little confused "yup" Auntie Bridgette said popping the "p" "Marinette you have the power to freeze time, Alya you have the power to move things with your mind, and Chloe you have the power to see the future"

Great just great........those two get some cool power while I get stuck to see the future no active power once so ever

Marinette moves her eyes to look at me and alya's do the same, hey don't be sad your powers will grow in time, me and Mari just have to do the fighting for now alya thought,. I frowned and Mari just snickered. Sometime after the class unfroze "H-how did y-you do th-that" Kim said cowering behind lila.

Third person's POV

The girls forgot about what we were gonna tell them, "we can't just say hi we are princesses yes you bullied princesses and we are the charmed ones" Marinette thought. " that" Chloe tried to cover but then Lara pushed through us, "how about I show you to the guest rooms" Lara asked politely "follow me"

"I bet those nerds aren't coming because they're room is in the dungeon and Nino ew. He was a piece of shit anyways" Lila thought, Alya (A:n/ did I forget to mention they can read each other's and other people's mind) was ready to pounce on that bitch. Nino laughed confused "guys what's going on, why did alya look like she wanted to beat lila to her death when she said nothing"

All three girls turned to a very confused nino "what do you mean didn't you hear what she said" Chloe started "or is this all some trick you guys are planning and you don't want to be friends with us" Mari said in a quite sassy way. Bridgette giggled "Mari, Chloe calm down lila didn't say that" Felix said "WHAT?!?!? Now your taking her side now" alya yelled putting her hands on her hips super pissed "I can't believe you uncle Felix". "No she didn't say that she thought it, you guys can read minds and each other's too" Felix added.

"Yea I'm pretty sure we already found that out dad" Mari thought

"Well all you do was say you did" Felix said with a smirk on his face, Mari, Alya and Chloe were shocked "Hey the whole royal committee can read minds to y'know" Bridgette said "maybe Nino might be able to if him and alya get married" at this point alya and Nino were literal tomatoes they were redder then tomato boy's hair "u-uhm LOOK AT THE TIME" alya stuttered Out before grabbing a non stop laughing Marinette and Chloe. They went up to their rooms and got ready for bed, Nino was in a different guest room because well he is one of the princess's boyfriend.

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