Chapter 9: Fight against Valtor

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Lila's POV (I know right why do I do this you can skip this paragraph I would too)
My adrikins has been gone for too long "Hey Lila where is adrien" Kim asked  "I don't know?" I told them, he better not be seeing that Mari-brat "Well he is YOUR boyfriend why don't you ask the princess?" Rose told me. I scoffed "Why would I do that" I ask them. They look at me confused "Aren't you guys like best friends" Juleka said, I was about to answer when "Hey guys"said a voice behind me.

Third person POV
"Adrkins! I was so worried about you" Lila yelled. Everyone rolled their eyes at lila. After Adrien came in Claude came in Lila already fell for him, yup Lila was just playing Adrien (I feel you guys already know that) "Hey cutie, who are you" Lila said seductive. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy "Excuse me Lila but aren't you with Adrien" Ivan said. At that same time Nathaniel and Alix came running in with fury.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS"Alix screamed as she threw broken pieces of her watch on the bed beside lila "and this?" Nathaniel threw an open page of her diary on the bed. The page said

Dear Diary,

The class is so stupid do they really think Marinette would do these things. Nathaniel thinks she called his drawing ugly. Rose thinks she made fun of her pixie hair cut but it was actually me. I mean Rose looks like a boy (fuck you lila rose's hair cut so cute) Alix thinks she stole her watch and broke it. Like she is really dumb does she even check cameras. Kim thinks she said alix will never love him. Max will his geeky self is mad at Marinette because he thinks she cheated, Sabrina felt bad for him as I thought she would so she left Chloe. Mylén and Ivan are mad at her because they thought she was nice but now they think she's a bully. And best of all my Adrikins thinks Mari-Brat posted that Adrien's mom left him because she didn't love him and laughed at it. I mean seriously the girl doesnt even have Facebook so that was obviously me. They are all stupid now to get alya and chloe away from her.

-Sincerely, Lila

"I-i can explain" Lila stuttered out "Then explain" Adrien said serious

With Marinette

Marinette's POV
I went to my parents room, opened the door and saw them making out "Ahhh ew" I yelled  "Well that's why you should learn how to knock" my mom said getting off my dad "Now May I ask what you need" she said "Well I was wondering why do you want me to marry the prince of France" I asked them "Well we thought that you might like him" my dad says "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE HAS DONE TO ME IN PARIS BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT BEEN WITH ME" I scream at them. I cover my mouth realizing what I said, I could see the shock and sadness in their eyes.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't me-" "No it's ok because its true" my mom says "We haven't been with you for 16 years how can we expect you to marry someone who might have hurt you in your life in Paris" my mom says she was about to cry I could tell "I'm sorry" I say as I'm about to cry "if you want me too I will marry him for you and this country" I say. Just them my dad gets up and walks towards me, he gets down to my level and hugs me "No. If you don't want to marry him it's fine you should have the decision to marry who you want just like Alya." My dad whispers in my ear. I nod and hug him back.

Then another pair of arms wrap around us I think it's my mom "Thank you" I say.

Third person POV
Marinette went upstairs and in the mirror and saw her hair had changed from jet black to baby blue with light red at the end "AAHH" she screamed she also heard two more screams. Before she could do anything both her cousin ran in the room. Alya has orange hair with yellow tips and Chloe had gold hair with white tips. "What" Alya started "The" Chloe said "Hell" Mari finished both girls looked at her like they were expecting her to say something else "What?" Mari asked.

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