Chapter 12: Coronation part 2

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Third person POV
"We must redo the ceremony without any interruptions this time" Felix announced. Everyone cheered.

"Do you Alya Cesaire, Chloe Bourgeois And Marinette Dupain-Cheng pledge to protect, respect and treat fairly your realms/Kingdoms"  The person (I don't know what he's called ok) said "I do" Alya says kneeling "I do" Chloe said doing the same "I do" finally Marinette said doing what Alya and Chloe did.

Then Queen Aisha, Queen Bloom And Queen Bridgette kneeled next to their daughters. The priest (that's what I'll call him if you don't like it well to bad) took the crowns off the old queen's head and put it on the new ones "I now present to you Crowned Princess Alya of Spain (Andros),  Crowned Princess Chloe of England (Solaria) And Crowned Princess Marinette Of China (Domino)!" The priest said.

After there was a big round of applause "Thank you and as a gift to you we will like to show you our lives in Paris" Alya said "Chloe....." Marinette said and Chloe nodded. She made a big ball in her hand and shot it up in the air. It showed all three of their crushes, enemies, what happened to them, cute moments, bad moments and that they are Ladybug, Queen Bee and Rena Rouge. Their were "awwww"'s and "Ooohhhh"s and squeals and "Booo"s for the people who bullied.

"Now everyone that is it head to the ballroom for the after party while the Crowned Princesses go get ready as well" Felix said

Marinette's POV
I was in my closet getting ready for the after party with Alya in my bath room and Chloe in my bedroom "So I was talking to my mom and she said we have to get married because we can't run or realms or kingdoms by ourselves" I hear Chloe thought "Wait really" I thought "Yea" Chloe thought.

"I have the idea Chloe already knows who she wants to pick" Alya thought "Yea but I doubt he'll accept me" she thought I had just finished getting dress and doing my hair and putting my makeup on. "I'm done what about you guys" I thought "Yea" they both thought at the same time.

I came out of my closet dressed and I saw Chloe and Alya they looked very pretty "Well I know who Mari might want to pick since I'm obviously picking Nino" Alya said "And who would that be?" I asked sassy "Luka"Chloe said at the same time Alya said "Adrien" me and Alya gasped at Chloe's response "What?" She asked "Don't tell me you forgot what Adrien did to the castle for her" Alya said.

"What do you mean?" I ask her ignoring alya and Chloe's responses of who I would choose. When did Adrien ever do anything for me? "Oh right, I change my answer to Adrien" Chloe said "Guys what do you mean?!" I said "Ok promise us you won't freak out" Alya says playing with her fingers rocking back and fourth "o.......k.." I say "Well you remember when auntie Bridgette some people can have 2 powers" Chloe said I nod my head "Yea we all have 2 powers" I say "Well um let's just say Adrien's hair grew a little light red like yours at the tips and things started to burn just because he thought you were dead and you were not responding and you see he loves you" Chloe explained cautiously. (If you want to see their outfits go to the chapter "Marichat, Adrinette or............Neither?")

I stood there shocked of what I just heard. Adrien loves me, and he almost burned the castle because of it! "Let's just say, unless you want the castle to go up in flames this time don't go doing things that can get you killed" Alya said.

"Ok um let's just go to the party" I say still processing what was said. We head down stairs and in the party "Hey guys" we hear a voice say behind us. We turn around to see Nino Claude and..........


Well here we go "Hey boys so what are you doing here" I ask, ugh dumb question obviously their here to dance and talk "Well is it really a crime to dance with with such beautiful ladies" Nino said and kissed alya hand.

She automatically blushed "Well can I have this dance with you.........Foxy" Nino said "Sure you can turtle boy" Alya said still blushing and she went off with Nino. Which just left me, Chloe, Claude and Adrien...

"Soooo" Chloe said awkwardly "Would you like to uh dance with me Chloe" Claude asked "Of course" Chloe said and curtsied and took Claude's hand and went to the dance floor. "So I guess its just you and me then" Adrien said "Yea I guess it is" I told him not making eye contact.

"Look Marinette um I'm sorry for you know bullying you, I shouldn't have it was wrong and I understand that. I was stupid to actually believe Lila that a um sweet girl like you could ever say something bad about me losing my mom. I mean after all those times you comforted me about it. And I'm sorry. I completely understand if you don't forgive me" Adrien told me I could see it in his eyes he was actually sorry.

"It's ok I understand, the class made the same mistake let's just hope you and the class don't make that mistake again. But I have to ask you is it true" I said "What do you mean is what true" he asked me arching one eyebrow "You know what you did and said when I was uh.....dead" I reassured him.

Adrien's POV
"You know what you did and said when I was uh.....dead" Marinette said to me. I lifted her chin so our eyes were locked together "Of course I is M'lady, Who would ever lie about that" I told her smiling. She then smiled oh that beautiful smile. "So Princess" she giggled at the nickname "May I have this dance?" I said bowing and kissing her hand.

"Yes you may kitty" she said and took my hand I led her to the dance floor and slow danced like our life depended on it.

Bridgette's POV
"Isn't our daughter and Prince Adrien beautiful together" I ask staring at my daughter and her boyfriend at least I think he is "Yes they are as long as he doesn't break her heart" Felix says sassily "Oh Felix" I giggle. I use my magic Alya and Nino, Chloe and Claude and Marinette and Adrien float in the air still dancing. They think their still on the floor but the audience sees that their floating.

"I hope she chooses him to marry" I say under my breath. Then I notice something from the corner of my eye. I see a black and red small floating figure coming straight towards me and Felix. "Bridgette!" It squealed "Felix!" The black figure squealed "Plagg, tikki?" I say the kwamis had finally made it to us "Tikki I missed you what are you doing here?" I asked her "Well it seems to be I'm your daughter's Kwami.

What really "Then what are you doing here plagg?" Felix asked his old kwami "Well you see the boy that your daughter is dancing with" he pointed with his little flipper to my daughter and Prince Adrien who were now on the floor still dancing. I think they kissed because they were both blushing. I guess my magic was temporary "Yea" I say "That's my holder" He says "Has he been treating you right?" Felix asked seriously. When it comes to plagg even though he doesn't show it Felix becomes very protective. He cares for the cheese loving kwami.

"Yea whenever I ask he gives me Camembert" Plagg says which makes all of us laugh. Even though today had some difficulties it was still a good day.
Who would have thought this chapter ended in Bridgette's point of view. Ok now you guys can kill me for the other chapter. We have 3 more chapter to go threw you'll have them soon don't  worry.

 We have 3 more chapter to go threw you'll have them soon don't  worry

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-Bug Out 😉

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