Chapter 2: WE'RE WHAT?!?!?!

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Marinette's POV

"Dad what is this" I asked. All her dad could do is sigh, "um Marinette you are not our daughter and well these are not you friends parents either" Me and my friends jaws dropped we couldn't believe what we were hearing. There was awkward silence, then finally Chloe broke the silence "Then who are our parents" Chloe asked trying to choke back tears. "Well one thing is you guys are......cousins and your well chloe your parents are the King and queen of England, King Brandon and Queen Stella. Alya your parents are the King and Queen of Spain, King Naboo and Queen Aisha and finally Marinette your parents are the King and Queen Of China, King Sky (Felix) and Queen Bloom (Bridgette) which makes all of you princesses and Mari you have a sister named Bridgette and a brother-in-law names Felix" Andre said with a sad tone in his voice but it enlightened when he said we were princesses

All we could do is stand there then finally we headed up to my room with out another word. I sat on my bed " I can't believe they kept this from us for so long. I GREW UP THINKING THEY WERE MY PARENTS" I screamed crying my heart out. Chloe was crying to and Alya tried to act tough but we saw that she wanted to cry. We talked and cried all night. It was sad. But then alya has an idea " wait but isn't this a good thing. We won't get bullied anymore. "Alya I don't want them to be nice to me because I'm a princess I want them to stop bullying me for who I am" Chloe replied

" I guess your right" alya added. I finally stood up and said " come on we should get to bed we have to get up early" I yawned right after. Chloe looked up at me "Well what's the point we don't do it any other day who says we'll tomorrow" me and alya laughed

In the morning

"GIRLS IF YOU DONT WAKE YOU ASSES UP THIS INSTANT!!!!!!!" I heard Sabine yell. I didn't really feel comfortable calling her mom but I still loved her like one. I got up lazily and headed to the bathroom. As soon I got out the shower I heard I think it was......Chloe get up. After a few minutes we all got up and picked each other's up and did each other's hair. Sabine came in my room and told us a limo will be picking us up. "OMG girls you look great" alya said practically fangirling "you don't look to bad your self" I said giggling "Come on guys we are gonna be late" Chloe exclaimed rolling
her eyes playfully. We said bye to Sabine and Tom and our limo was outside waiting.
This is Chloe's outfit

This is Chloe's outfit

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