Chapter 15:Happily Ever After

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4 years later
Third person POV
It was the 21 of May, nice weather beautiful sounds. Marinette was laying in her bed while her Husband Adrien was playing with their four year old son named Hugo. She was able to hear them because they weren't in her castle they came for only two months to visit Mari's adoptive parents.

Mari's POV
I had just woken up to hear giggling and running. I automatically knew it was Adrien and Hugo. I got up from my bed about to walk out but then I heard Adrien scream "MARINETTE!" I was instantly going downstairs but a little slowly since you know I'm having twins! Alya said she will be over here Chloe too.

"Yes Honey" I say at the bottom of the stairs. I laugh as soon as I see what he was whining about. Hugo was running around his dad while his dad was frozen in place. "Marinette please, unfreeze me because our son doesn't want to" Adrien complained. I just giggle.

Ding! Dong!

"I will after I get that" I say and turn around and head to the door. I open the door to see Chloe, Claude, Alexandra and the twins star and Stephen "Hey guys" I say. "Hey Marinette" Claude replies stepping in with his wife. "Wow Mari you look-" Chloe started "Big, Yea it's not my first time being pregnant Chloe" I say in a matter-of-factly tone "Uh Mari why is Adrien frozen?" Claude asks "Oh right" I say and unfreeze my husband.

"Thank you" Adrien sighed in relief. "Hwugo! Twank Gwod I was getting so bword being dwa only bwoy in dwa car (Hugo! Thank God I was getting so bored being the only boy in the car)" I hear Chloe's two year old son Stephen. We all laugh at his ridiculousness. I start taking Chloe upstairs so we can talk "So where's Alya" I ask as we go up the stairs "She and Nino have a meeting with the council about the problems in a village near by her castle" Chloe told me and finished once we got into my room

*time skip to 30 minutes later of talking*
"Oh my God ADRIEN!" Chloe said "What's wrong" I ask her eyes darted to under me. I look to see a wet cushion of the chair I was sitting on "Oh shit" I say under my breath as soon as I hear Adrien run in. "What? What is it?" He asks "She's in labor" Chloe said "Well her reaction doesn't seem like it" Claude said "Well I'm sorry- AGH" I scream in pain "There we go" Claude said I just roll my eyes.

I scream in pain again I feel Adrien pick me up and walk somewhere. I feel myself go into the car "AGH" I scream in pain. I feel the car come to a stop and I feel myself get picked up "Ugh I swear if this idiot gets me pregnant again I'm gonna freeze him for 2 months" I thought "Wait your in labor already I wish I was there" Alya thought "Wait Alya you can hear my thought all the way from Spain" I scrunched my face up "Yea I guess thoughts travel" She thought. I was so into my thinking conversation with Alya I just noticed I was in a hospital room.

"AGH" I scream in pain "Push!" I hear a nurse say. I push with all my will.

*Timeskip to after that*
"It's twins. *Fraternal twins." The nurse said happily. That was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

*Fraternal twins = Do not look alike or are different genders

Third person POV
"Mari" Adrien say and shake her "Marinette" Adrien say seriously "Sir in order for us to make sure she is alive you have to leave" The nurse said. Adrien thought for a minute "Fine" he said under his breath quite harshly and left.

With the others Adrien was pacing back and forth "Daddy? Is mommy gonna be ok?" Hugo asked. Adrien got down to the same level of his son "Of course she is, mommy's strong" Adrien says and hugs his son. But really he was doubting himself of his words. "Ahem" a cough was heard behind him as Claude and Chloe looked at him in pity.

"Yes?" Adrien asked "Mrs. Agreste is okay and so are the twins although Mrs. Agreste almost died but she pulled threw" The nurse explained that's when Adrien quickly picked up Hugo and Claude quickly pushed the stroller that held both his two year olds to Mari's hospital room

When they got in they saw Marinette holding a baby girl with Jet-black hair and emerald green eyes and a baby boy with jet-black hair and blue eyes "Their so adorable" Chloe cooed "Look That's you baby sister and baby brother" Adrien said showing Hugo the babies "There so cute" he says. "So what are you gonna name them" Claude asked "For the boy Louis similar to my uncle's name and and for the girl Emma" Marinette looked at Adrien "Similar and short.. for Emilie" she smiled and Adrien smiled right back at her.

7 months later

Ding! Dong!
"I'll get it!" Marinette screamed and ran downstairs carrying baby Emma. Marinette opened the door to see Alya and Nino and Alexandra and Chloe and Claude and Star And Stephen And a few of their high school friends. It was Hugo's birthday that day.

"Come in everyone the party is supposed to start in 5 minutes" Marinette said everyone came in "Oh my gosh she's adorable" Alix cooed "Coming from you that's surprising" Marinette laughed "Yea well don't get used to it" Alix said and laughed with her "Stop lying Alix we all know that baby is trash" a voice said (I give a shoutout to the first 3 people to guess who said that)

Marinette looked to see Lila "Lila what are you doing here" Marinette asked harshly "Oh you know just came to get Adrien back from when you stole him" Lila said sassily "Oh my God does the bitch ever shut up" a voice said "I mean look at her she still looks like a slut and someone who just got out of a janitor's closet after having se-" another voice said "Kitty! Chloe! not in front of Emma!" Marinette said covering her daughter's ears.

"Whatever" Kitty said and froze Lila in her place. Kitty is Adrien's long lost sister they found her at his castle in France 6 months ago.
"Here comes the birthday boy" Adrien yells "Kitty unfreeze her" Marinette said glaring "Hmmmmm how about...........No and do this instead" she (me) clapped her hands and Lila disappears.

"Honey, it's time to sing happy birthday" Adrien says "Come on Ms. Lila haters" Marinette teased "You have to admit you are too" Kitty smirked "I am but that's because she tried to take my husband way to many times" Marinette replied.

"Well who's ready to sing happy birthday to the birthday boy" Mylene asked "I sure as he-" Kim started But Nino slapped his mouth over "Not. In front. Of. The children." Nino said which made everyone laugh. "Ok everyone 1 2 3" Rose said "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Hugo happy birthday to you" everyone sang "Blow your candles out" Marinette said sweetly

Hugo blew out his wished and everyone clapped. Their lives were utterly perfect. Kids running around having fun, parents all getting along no problems at all. It's was all perfect.
YAY my first fully published story. Don't be sad I have more stories you know Anyway this is the end of the story I hope you enjoyed it.

Bug Out 🐱🐞🦋🦊🐢🐝🦚😉

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