Chapter 3: The Private Jet

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In the private Jet

Marinette, Alya and Chloe were all sitting alone because as you know the class hates them and they are playing truth or dare.

Nino's POV

While playing truth or dare I noticed that Chloe, Alya and Marinette don't care about us leaving them out. I really felt but my thought were interrupted when Myléne yelled "NINO!!!" I shook my head "huh, oh sorry what was that" I asked "Dude, it's your turn truth or dare" Adrien said with a smirk on his face. "Um" I hesitated "Dare" I said proudly but really scared of what he was going to make me do.

"I dare you to go slap alya as HARD as you can" Adrien laughed, I felt sick he's gone mad how this isn't my best friend, as long as I've been bullying alya I started to not do to much damage I started to have crush on her. But no one knew that except me. I stood up the class was laughing their heads off but not in a nice way. "No" I was angry how could they couldn't make me do that. Then all the laughter stopped I saw from the corner of my eye Mari I think I can call her that again I mean I do want to be their friend again and Chloe were squealing and fangirling but not loud though and alya she smiled weakly. "What?!?!" Lila was pissed she screamed "WHAT DO YOU MEAN "NO" SHES A BRAT" Lila yelled

"Your making a big mistake Lahiffe" Ivan said

"Do you not remember what they did to us, remember what lila told us" rose said

I just rolled my eyes "these people are stupid after all the lies lila told us we actually believed this one" I thought to myself I still can't believe I fell for her trick. Then Adrien said something that shocked me "If you wanna join those brats you are no longer my friend" Lila had a sly smirk on her face. "Well then he doesn't need you" a voice said behind me. I turned around to to reveal an alya that looked you with her hair and her outfit it was so cute. I think I was drooling. The class growled and alya pulled me to her seat where Marinette and Chloe were.

Marinette's POV

I saw alya pull Nino over, I was happy nino finally realized that that Lila was lying about me alya. "Soooooooo"Chloe exclaimed with a wide smirk I didn't think it could get any bigger "what's with that big change Lahiffe" I asked.

One explanation later

"We are now landing in China please take your seats I repeat please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts." The pilot announced "So does this mean we are friends again Chloe and Marinette" Nino asked with pleading eyes. I mean he did just explain why he believed her but I'm not sure "What do you think Chlo" Chloe was thinking to " I say we give him one more try" she replied after she was done thinking. Alya looked a bit jealous then she finally spoke "What about me I just saved your ass out there" alya said crossing her arms. Nino turned around to alya "Well alya I don't want to be friends with you......" Nino said, Chloe looked like she was ready to murder someone. Alya looked like she wanted to cry, Nino spoke again "I want to be more than friends alya, I-I like you" he whispered it but loud enough for the us girls. Chloe started fangirling and I did too. "Alya will you be my girlfriend" "YES YES YES" alya screamed

Another time skip due to meh laziness (when they land in China)

My group (nino, Alya and Chloe) were the last to get of the plain. Alix tried to trip alya but luckily Nino caught her "what the hell man" Alex yelled frustrated that she didn't fall " why did you help that brat" "DONT TALK ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT YOU PINK HAIRED BARBIE" (A:N- and I thought adrien was protective 😏 well you guys have to see if he will be) everyone went quiet. Nino dragged me alya and Chloe to ms.Bustier "ok class the bus will be here in a few minutes" the class jaw dropped including me alya and Chloe. There were 3 Lamborghinis a orange one, a yellow one, and a gold one. "Of course these are for me, adrikins and Nathaniel you guys should say thank you cause I got these for us" ( I want you to guess who said that)(if you said lila you are correct) lila lies but said that proudly. One man got out of each car. The man with the red hair spoke first "excuse me ma'am but we don't know who you are these Lamborghinis are for p-" I shook my head slightly so no one but the man could see. The man had a very cute accent but he was way to old for me

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