Chapter 7: pool party gone wrong

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Third person POV
They were just in Marinette's room Chloe, alya and the kwamis like all of them even plagg when they heard the queen announce to go to the pool. "Come on girls we have to get to the pool I think we are having a pool party" Chloe says. They all stop what their doing and go to Marinette's closet.
Chloe's bathin' suit:

Chloe's bathin' suit:

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Alya's bikini

Marinette's bikini

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Marinette's bikini

Alya and Chloe's cover up Marinette wears a hoodie because she has scars (from fights of ladybug) so the cover up won't cover them

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Alya and Chloe's cover up Marinette wears a hoodie because she has scars (from fights of ladybug) so the cover up won't cover them

"Come on girls" alya calls as we go to the pool "Can we teleport please~" Chloe begs, Mari giggles as she pleads "No we will show those suckers our magic when we get there" Mari replies

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"Come on girls" alya calls as we go to the pool "Can we teleport please~" Chloe begs, Mari giggles as she pleads "No we will show those suckers our magic when we get there" Mari replies. When they get to the pool everyone gawked Chloe and alya because they took their cover up off "HA! Mari-trash is fat that's why she wore a hoodie instead cover up" Alix yells "Alix are you sure your not talking about yourself you work out more than me and yet I still have a better body then you" Marinette replied sassily with her hands on her hips, everyone started murmuring a little later adrien came out with a t-shirt and his swim trunks, the poor cinnamon roll (*cough* not in this series *cough*) forgot he had scars from stepping in front of ladybug so she won't get hit. Or so he thought.

Adrien took off is his shirt but everyone also gawked him,(Nino stayed in the castle because he didn't want to show) adrien thought they were staring at his abs (making that sentence I gagged it's not because I don't like adrien because honestly I made him like being mean but I gagged because that's what all boys think when they take of their shirt in front of girls) but actually when he looked down he saw the scars "fuck" he said under his breath. "Adrikins why do you have so many scars" Lila said in her ANNOYING ASS pitch high voice "Yea adrien how did you get those scars" Marinette said sarcastically and rolling her eyes. Adrien turned to give Marinette a disgusted look.

Anyway he thought it was time to tell them..............


He's chat noir (Fuck) " well you guys I'm chat noir" Adrien said sheepishly, "so it's true" alya said under her breath disappointed at the time Mari was drinking some soda because after all it was a party. From 'shock' she spit it out "You THE Chat noir that saves me from an akumatized Nathaniel and the one that visited my house and calls me princess" Marinette laughed trying to hold in just a few tears "I DOUBT IT YOUR PROBABLY JUST A LIAR LIKE YOUR LITTLE GIRLFRIEND" Mari screams at him. Alya and Chloe wanted to comfort their cousin but they knew this wasn't the time "The Chat I knew was pure and nice and kind, and even though his puns and ego were VERY annoying I still cared for him because of his kindness. You, your just pure wrong and rude and a bully" and those were her last words she threw her cup in the trash and went back to her room.

Chloe ran after her, when she got to mari's door she knocked lightly "Marinette" Chloe said softly "Can I come in?" Chloe asked. The door opened to reveal a very red Mari "Oh sweetie" Chloe says as she hugs the crying bluenette "I......w-was wasn't t-true" Marinette chokes out as tears streamed down her cheeks, then the door opened to reveal Nino and alya with worried expressions "I heard" Nino says quite a bit angry but mostly sad. "What do we do now" Chloe said as she stroked the bluenette's hair as if she was her daughter and she just went threw a break up and she was trying to calm her down "Marinette" tikki calls out as she flies to her owner "it's ok Tikki, I'm ok" Marinette says as she kisses her kwami's forehead.

"It's getting late we should head to sleep, especially you Marinette" Alya said, Marinette nodded her head and went to her closet while everyone else exited the room. She changed into her pajamas and headed to sleep.

Marinette woke up due to tapping on her window (OH HELL NAW) she looked at the time it was 2:37 in the morning "Who the fuck is tapping my window at this hour"  When she opened the window she saw something that she never wanted to see again, or better yet


CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! I'm sorry please don't kill, not yet at least there will be more worst then this that you will want to kill me

-Bug out 😉

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