Chapter 10: Meeting a new princess

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He's a protective kitty isn't he

"Mom, dad" Alya and Chloe said. The four people nodded, Chloe and Alya ran and hugged them "Why are you here? Well I mean it's not that we don't want you here it's just-" Chloe stammered. Her dad (Brandon) chuckled "Sweetheart we wouldn't miss our nieces and our daughter's coronation" he replied.

"What do you mean our coronation that's like in 2 weeks" Mari asked confused "No it's in 3 days" Aisha (Alya's Mom) clarified "And it's getting late you guys should go sleep" Marinette's mom said. They all nodded and headed off to bed.

With Adrien

Adrien's POV
I was sitting in Claude's room looking at my phone while he was playing video games (The video games Carlos was playing in Descendants 1) "So have our got a date to the coronation" Claude asked me. Wow that caught me off guard, I threw my head up to look at him.

"What" I ask him "You know to dance with after the princesses are crowned " he clarified, I'm being honest I never really thought of that until now. And now only one name popped into my head "Well no" I lied to him.

"Well I'm planning on asking Chloe" he told me, I could see the light blush on his cheeks. "You like her don't you?" I said smirking he was now a tomato "Yea and? You like that Marinette girl" after he said that I felt my heart crack a little. All I could do is sigh "I guess I do but.............. I know she doesn't like me. I bullied her, physically bullied her." I told him "But why?" He asked me "I loved her I have always loved her from the day I met her but then my ex that bitch Lila lied to all of us. The problem is we didn't see it until yesterday. Before we found out we all bullied her and her cousins verbally. But then when there was something inside me that kept saying I loved her I didn't want to believe it so I physically bullied her to prove that feeling wrong. But the more I saw her the more that feeling grew. And when I finally learned that Lila lied I finally give in that feeling. So yes, I love Marinette" I explained to him.

"Well why don't you give it another shot ask her to dance when the princesses are announced" he told me "Yea maybe" I said under my breath "Hey did you see who those three girls were that fought with us" I asked him remembering that moment. It's weird how did the yellow head girl know my name "Oh yeah those were the princesses I heard the yellow head one call the other 2 girls Mari and Alya but I know for sure that yellow head girl is Chloe" He said.

Wait so does that mean "Your telling me Alya is a princess just like Marinette and Chloe" I asked him and Claude nodded. "Come on we better get some rest if we want to be looking good for the coronation in 3 days" he told me I nod and head of to my side of the room.

Ever since Lila explained why she lied to us I couldn't stand to be in the same room with her so I asked Claude if I could sleep in his room. And he accepted.

Third person POV
The next 2 days were the same get royal duties done, the class trying to apologize to Mari, Alya and Chloe but couldn't find them, Adrien beating himself up on how to get Marinette back, Claude trying to find the right words to tell Chloe he loves her, the same 5 kicking Valtor's ass and meeting with the royal Council and going to sleep.

Until the next day it was finally time for our three used to be nerds to become the Crowned princesses of their home realms but who knew their day could be such a day.

Mari's POV
I was sleeping peaceful as always. Then I heard people marching in my room and I woke up. I saw Lady Lara, Lady Clara, Lady Stella and Lady Molly. "Princess you must get up yours and your cousins coronations starts at 7pm" Lady Molly told me. If your wondering why our coronation is at night it's because if you want to see the fire works it's better to see them at night.

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