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Wednesday, when your halfway to freedom known as - the weekend. But of course this Saturday wasn't exactly freedom so to put it. Me being me, I still didn't have a date. I'm probably going to end up thirdwheeling Emma and Luke. So much PDA...

Oh yeah, so the whole school know knows about 'Lemma' and they show a lot of PDA, so I feel thirdwheeled pretty much all the time. Stupid hormonal teenagers knoc-

"Hey Kris," I turned round to find Michael leaning against the locker next to mine as I smiled shutting it.

"You should get out of here, Luke and Emma are about to meet me." I told him and as if on cue, Luke strolled around the corner, his arm draped casually around Emma's shoulder.

Michael only gave me a wink, not moving an inch. "Don't worry, I plan on ending our feud. I've forgiven him for what he did."

Before I could ask about what happened all those years ago, Luke was giving Michael a strange look and Emma stood next to me - obviously sensing the tension. "What's going on here?" She whispered to me as I shrugged. Not really having a clue myself.

"Listen Luke," Michael began. "I want to end - well whatever this is. I'm sick and tired of continuously fighting with you when in all honesty I should of forgiven what happened between us after it happened. I'm just really really sorry,"

Lukes mouth was about to fall off. "I-I-"

"You don't need to accept it if you don't want to."

"No I do!" Luke replied quickly. "Bro, you have no idea how much I've missed having you around. Who else am I going to jam out with?"

They guys had a 'bro hug' which in all honesty is just a regular hug as Emma awwed.

Michael blushed along with Luke as people in the hallway scurried off, probably to spread the news about Luke and Michaels make-up.

The bell shrilled through the hallways as Luke gave Emma a make out session and Michael just smiled before leaving. I turned to Emma asking what we have and she laughed before dragging me to our class - which I'm guessing we have together?

True to her word, we were in the Maths department as I groaned out. Higher maths sucks. Big time. It was so hard with your equations and algebra and I just didn't understand any of it. I don't even know how I passed my Nationals.

"Good morning, Miss Reyes, Miss Jules. Take your seats." Our mathteacher told us as I rolled my eyes and sat down. We were closest to the door, and I was actually in the corner so I could play and text on my phone under the desk. It was great!

"Krissy, could you please go to room 1.07 for the level D textbooks please, seems we ran out..." She sighed as I stood up winking to Emma.

"Sure, how many?" I asked innocently as she rolled her eyes.

"Twenty-four, one for each person. And I'll make someone else go if you don't behave yourself!"

Walking out the room groaning under my breath, I found room 1.07 which was just down the corridor and knocked. Rocking back and forth on my heels as I awaited an answer, and eventually someone just yelled 'come in'.

Opening the door, the teacher smiled at me as I walked in, ignoring the classes chatter. "Mrs Potter needs twenty-four level D texts books, and sent me here."

"Of course Krissy, just wait a sec- Michael come here." My head snapped up as she mentioned Michael and he smirked as his eyes connected with mine. I sighed as my brain had already shot Mrs Potter in my head twelve times. Of course Michael was in this class. "Could you help little Krissy here with these?"

"Sure," He winked as he took some of the textsbooks and we walked back to my class. "Hello there, again. Are you pretty sure you're not just stalking me now?"

I laughed as I opened my classroom door. "Who would want to stalk you, Clifford?"

Mrs Potter sighed as we came in. "I never realised you'd need him to help, Jules."

"What?" I blurted out unexpectedly. "Is there something wrong with Michael?!"

He put a hand on my shoulder as I stood there shaking. I felt protective over him for some reason, and that angered me a lot for some reason. "Shh, it's okay. I'm gonna go now but I need to speak to you at Lunch, meet me in the car park."

Michael left quickly as I took my seat, glaring at Mrs Potter as she continued with her typing on her computer and we worked out the text book. Emma passed me a note with a messy scrawl on it.

What the fuck was that? You just like... blew up!

Rolling my eyes at Emma's choice for words, I thought over my answer. What had happened there? Never in my life had I stood up for someone like that. Not even Emma. I had always told her she had to learn to fight her own battles and she did. Look where she is now, but that was a first.

I actually don't know... I'm freaking out a lil bit...

She didn't say anything as we continued working, my brain not really focusing on the angles work in front of us, but more on the way Micheal's arms wrapped around me when I was freaking out and oh my god.

What is happening to me?

Your falling in love. My inside voice was telling me, but I refused to believe it. I don't do love, it was sappy and pointless. I wish lunch would hurry up already...


I walked to the car park alone, leaving Lemma to their PDA as I saw Michael leaning against his car. His face lit up when he saw me, as did mine. He walked over to me, meeting me in the middle as I rocked on my heels, something I did when I was waiting.

"Why did you ask me to meet you here?" I asked him as his face turned slightly red.

He was frozen, and it was like he couldn't say what he wanted too. My hand found his face, his stubble slightly prickling my hand as he let out a deep breath. "I'm just going to come out and say it."

I nodded, awaiting on what he was about to tell me as he let out deep breaths. "Will you go to the dance with me, Saturday?"

A smile crept onto my face as he smiled back. "I'll take that as a yes?"

I nodded as he lifted me up and spun me round, and his lips were on mine as I kissed back, caught in the moment and we both pulled away at the same time. Shock mirroring our faces and it seemed like we were the only people there.

But I was scared, my heart was beating fast and my head was swirling. Tingles running through out my body as I ran. Ran as far as my legs could take me. To the only place I knew I wouldn't be disturbed.


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