Fredrick's 19th Birthday/ Nice Surprise!!

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The next three weeks were rough. I battled with my mental health and after being out in the cold when I was sick I had managed to make myself worsen and come down with yet another fever. I had days where my fever was so high Fredrick feared something awful would come of it, luckily the only thing that happened was I would become weaker, not that, that was a good thing but I'd take that over worse things. By the second week my fever had gone down a little, which was progress, and I was feeling a bit lighter and happier. Fredrick stayed through everything, only once a week would you be go to work and go to the store for our needs. While he was gone Mrs. Marsh would watch over me. Whenever she was watching over me I missed Fredrick he let me have more freedom and he tell stories, we joke around and share memories.

By the third week I was nearly all better! Fredrick started going back to work and I started slowly getting back to doing my chores. Since I know longer went to school I liked to wander around the miles of prairie around out cabin. Recently I had begun to explore further, with all the free time I had. I found a decently sized pond hidden by tall Grass. The water shined as the sun reflected off of it. As I neared the pond I stopped to take my shoes and stockings off, placing them alongside the bank. The water felt cool but not cold. I watched as pond skaters skated around my legs. I undid my braid and let the wind flow through my hair. It felt so good especially as the temperature was getting much warmer as the months flew by. It was already early July. I stayed there for most of the afternoon, when the sun started going down I knew Fredrick would be coming home soon and I should start on supper. It saddened me but I decided that the next day I would come back and spend my day at the peaceful pond.

5 days after finding the pond and visiting it everyday, Fredrick's birthday came. He was turning 19. I decided to wear one of my nicer dresses today and I kept my long golden hair down. Fredrick had made sure that he had the day off work. I was happy to see him take a day for himself after he'd been working so hard, especially since it was his birthday. I had woken up at the first sight of sunlight, gotten dressed and decided to make Fredrick and I breakfast. When Fredrick woke up he walked out of his room with his overall straps hanging and part of his plaid shirt hanging out. His hair was everywhere and his eyes seemed to sparkle. Fredrick to be blunt looked more tempting than ever. I blushed at the thought and looked back to the eggs sausage I had cooking on the stove. "Hey Cy." He said as he walked towards the table and sat down. I continued working on breakfast as we talked.

"So what's on today's agenda." I asked placing the eggs sausage and biscuits on two plates.

"I'm thinking we can just chill out and spend some time together."

"I love the sound of that, Since we have the whole day together there's something I'd like to show you." I said putting breakfast on the table.

"And where's that."

"It's a secret, It's a place that I really like, we can go have a picnic there, I promise it'll be fun."

"As long as I'm with you, it will be." Fredrick said smiling, I blushed.

"Don't bother getting fancy you might as well stay how you are." Hot and tempting to the whole world, I thought.

Once we finished breakfast and talked for awhile it was already late morning so I started to make lunch to put in the picnic basket, I made some sandwiches, and gathered some carrots, cheese and blueberries. I put everything in a basket and set it aside. As I went to go ask Fredrick for a spare blanket from his room. I stopped when I saw the door slightly ajar. Fredrick sat on the edge of his bed, his overall straps were still hanging, but this time he was shirtless. Fredrick's skin was all throughout the same color which surprised me a bit but still it made him look good. He was putting on his boots. After he tried the laces he stood up. He looked even more muscular standing, he had a slight six pack in the making. I shamefully wanted a better look. I knew how inappropriate it was but I couldn't help myself. As I moved closer, the floor boards beneath me groaned and I let out a gasp of momentarily fright on accident, I winced.

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