Getting closer to Fredrick the Caretaker

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When I awoke I was shivering pain seemed to shoot through my body and it took me a moment to realize where I was. I looked around at my surrounding and after spotting Fredricks rocking chair he made and his hat placed upon it his drawers I realized I was in his room. All of his quilts were wrapped around my cold body giving me a slight warmth from my wet clothes sticking to my skin.

I heard a sound coming from the living room and kitchen area. I tried to get up but the soreness in my body and the nausea in my stomach were enough to make me lay back down. Instead of getting out of my bed I just called for Fredrick my throat weak, sore, and hoarse. "Fredrick where are you?"

Fredrick heard and came rushing over to me. "Cynthia how are you feeling? Are you ok?"

I wasn't going to lie I didn't feel great and I wasn't sure if I was ok. I kept shivering and chills seemed to speed down my spine. "Can you help me please?" was all I could manage to shudder out. "I'm so cold and wet."

Sympathy came over Fredricks face. He drew me into his arms his warm body radiating heat and slightly warming up my body. "It's ok Cynthia." he said kissing my wet hair. "I'm here for you. I have the washtub inside in by the stove waiting to be filled with hot water."

"I don't want to move I'm sore and your keeping me warm here I don't need a hot bath I promise."

"I know Cynthia I'm going to wash you. I know you're not going to like it but you're going to have to let me. Just so you know Cynthia I'm saying this because the water is going to hurt at first you're going to feel like your skins burning but I promise I'll be here with you. I want you to be strong for me."

I already knew it would hurt and I was scared just thinking about it. I began to unbutton my dress in the front and I was successful until had to get the dresses sleeves over my sholders and elbows. Fredrick saw my struggle and had me sit at the end of the bed. He was able to ease the fabric off my shoulder and it slid down to my waist now exposing the whole tope part of my undergarment. I felt embarrassed this was the first time ever being exposed this much but I knew Fredrick was only doing it to help me. Water dripped from the top of my dress around my waist causing puddles to form on his bed. Without the top of my dress on cold rushed unto my shoulders causing me to shiver even harder. Fredrick wrapped me in his arms figuring how cold I must've been. He helped me to stand and losing my dress so it slid down my waist and in a pile on the floor I stepped out and sat back down on the bed. Fredrick grabbed a quilt and wrapped it around me before he began to undo my braid. Just a couple of hours ago my braid was blonde, long, and silky. My braid now looked sloppy with hairs falling in front of my face and my end looking damaged probably from the end freezing and breaking off. I could've undone my braid my I didn't intervene. I loved the feeling of his masculine hands in my hair untangling all my knots. He looked into my eyes slightly blushing as he finished up. His eyes were filled with shyness, grief, and sorrow for me. Fredrick bent down in from of me and began undoing my shoes and pulling of my stocking.

Fredrick left me in the room wrapped shivering in the quilts as he went to fill the tub with hot water. I wanted desperately to go back to sleep, I felt dizzy and tired but I fought for consciousness. Just as I was slipping back into sleep. I heard Fredrick's footsteps and felt his strong arms left me bridle style out of his room and into the kitchen area where the bath tub was. When I opened my eyes I could see the stream coming from the washtub showing me that the water was going to burn. My skin was already red from the cold and it already burned enough. Fear ran through me. "Fredrick please don't."

"Cy I'm sorry but I have to." As he kept walking forward, I could see more steam coming from the wash tub.

Finally, I was right above the water. The second Fredrick began to place me in and my feet touched the water I cried out. Fredrick kept placing me in. When I was completely submerged in the water I began to cry from the pain. I tried to get out, but Fredrick held me down. It felt like the time my skin was on fire. Tears streamed down my eyes. Please Fredrick I'm begging you. I'm burning it hurts so bad I can't take it."

Tears pricked Fredricks eyes. "Cy I hate watching you suffer but this is going to help you. It's going to bring your temperature to a normal level. Everything will be ok soon you just got to be strong. I'm here for you. Just be strong Cy the pain should go away soon."

I felt completely numb the only sensation was my skin burning. I knew Fredrick was right my body temperature needed to get better or worse things could happen. After a couple minutes my skin still felt like it was burning but it wasn't as bad. Fredrick kept moving the water around as he took a clean rag and held it on my forehead and the rest of my face. He went back and forth from my face and my hair. Once he thought my face and hair was good enough he did my back which only made my skin burn even more. As I turned my head to complain to Fredrick I didn't realize how close his face was to mine and his lips brush my cheek. I gasped suddenly feeling even more vulnerable then I already felt. Surprisingly Fredrick didn't move his lips instead he kissed my cheek before backing away and said. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't want to lose you but it gets hard when your such a clutz." He kissed my cheek again laughing.

I blushed. "Fredrick will you act civilized were not married and it's not appropriate to kiss my cheek when I'm only in my undergarment."

He drew back as if he remembered. "I'm sorry Cynthia I didn't mean it like that I meant it only as a friendly gestor I forgot you were only in your undergarment."

"I know but still."

While skin was slowly getting used to the water, Fredrick began cooking me soup and making me hot tea. When the water started getting colder and I began looking like a prune. I asked Fredrick to let me get out, he reluctantly agreed. He lifted me out, water instantly dripping from my undergarment getting Fredricks clothes all wet. This time he took me over to my room where the rocking chair he made me was placed in the corner with my night gown on it. He carefully placed me in my bed and wrapped me in all my blankets. "I should be back soon with more blankets right after I go change real quick. I nodded letting him know I was fine.

I waited patiently for Fredrick to return, he did. He had his pants on with his suspender straps hanging freely off of his hips. He wore an old shirt not tucked in. He was just finishing buttoning his shirt when he walked in with the quilts tucked underneath his one arm. Once he dropped of my quilts, he went back into the kitchen to grab my bowl of soup for me.

After eating my soup, I felt a little bit warmer. Fredrick and I talked about the littlest thing as I ate my soup, but I was ok with it. I loved hearing him talk it was so soothing. "What do you hope for at your wedding Fredrick."

He thought for a moment. "For my beautiful bride to marry me. That's all as long as I can marry the girl I care for."

"You don't wish for anything more not even where you want to get married."

"Nope I wish for nothing more at my wedding. I don't even care where we get married. It doesn't matter what the wedding is like what matters is everything after the wedding."

"Do you want kids?"

"You know I do Cy. I want about three. I want at least one of them to be a girl so I can spoil her and she'll be my little princess."

"Why do you want a girl so bad?"

"Remember when my mom was pregnant, and it was a girl but it was a stillborn baby. When it was born my mom was so excited but when she found it was dead, she was heartbroken. I just feel if I had a girl Sarah would be apart of the baby girl. I just think it would also make my mother so happy.

He looked joyful, happy yet sad at the same time. "Oh Fredrick, I hope you have a girl and I hope she's beautiful, smart and curious."

He smiled, "She will be as long as she's like you." I smiled back. "Come here." Fredrick said.

I walked (more like stumbled) over to him and stood in front of him looking at his handsome features. He took me by the waist and placed me on his lap. I curled up in a ball letting all his warmth soak into my body. I leaned my head onto his chest my golden blonde hair nearly going down to my waist even with my broken ends. He kissed my forehead as I began to fall into sleeps arms. He whispered into my ear. "I hope you'll consider marrying me because I can give you everything you need." I nuzzled in closer then sleep claimed me.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter

It was sort of a filler chapter

New update coming eventually!!

As always Happy Reading Everyone!!

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