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The weeks before my birthday flew by in a flash. Ever since Fredrick had confessed his love we had shared multiple deep kisses leaving me aching for more.

The day of my birthday came both Fredrick and I were happy and healthy. "Good morning Cynthia." Fredrick said giving me a peck on the cheek.

"What is today's plan." I asked

"This morning I have to head into work. I'll be back a little before supper than we can do whatever you want it's your day."

"Could we go back to the small hidden pond we haven't gone back since your birthday."

"Like I said we can do whatever you want Cy, I however have to get to work." Fredrick pulled me close and gave me a passionate kiss. "I love you, parting is such sweet sorrow." He said with a slight chuckle

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Go before you get in trouble for being late." I replied giving him another peck on the cheek.

I watched as he grabbed his hat and headed out the door. The room seemed so lonely and silent without him, I can't imagine what it would've been like for Fredrick to deal with this for a bit while I was away taking care of mother. Thinking of mother still brought the depressed feeling back. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of all this, it's my birthday! I'm supposed to be happy. I started out my day by having a biscuit for breakfast. I looked around, ever since I've gotten back from taking care of mother Fredrick had done his share in cleaning in order to take stress off me. There really wasn't much to do with the house clean and garden in good shape. I decided to give Chase a visit. It was a beautiful day out, the grass was damp from last night's rain. I decided to take chase for a walk. As I approached the barn and opened it I could hear chase neigh with excitement. I smiled as I walked over and opened his stall. It didn't take me long to put all his equipment on, I slowly lead him to the door by his reign. "You know chase it gets lonely in this town, especially when your an outcast. Fredrick has to be gone at work and that leaves me all alone. I should get a job at the post office I need to do something while Fredrick's away. What do you think Chase?" This is a bit sad I'm talking to a horse.

Just as I finished asking Chase, he started to pull away making the reigns rip from my grasp. It burned making me scream out for a second. The scream must've scared him because Chase took of running towards town. I began running after him but he soon was out of sight. I tried to go faster but I ended up tripping over the hem of my gown. Why does stuff like this happen to me all the time. "Chase, No come back." Just as I was getting back up I heard Chases soft neigh in the distance. I continued on forward until I heard Fredrick's voice talking to Chase.

"Woah woah buddy calm down."

"Fredrick?" I called confused. I saw him off in the distance and ran to him.

A solemn face was etched into his features, when he saw me he tried to hide it but I knew him to well. "Fredrick your back from work early what's wrong?"

He forced a smile into his face "Nothing I just asked to go home early for your birthday and Mr. Henry allowed it."

"Then why the sad face Fredrick wouldn't that be good news." I have him a small smile trying to seem hopeful and cheery but I couldn't wave the feeling that something was wrong away.

I stopped in my tracks and pulled on Fredrick's wrist making him stop and turn towards me. "Cynthia let's just go home and celebrate ok."

"No, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on. It's not like you to withhold information from me." I said my voice sounding small.

He snatched his wrist from my grasp. Fredrick was starting to get tense and upset. "Cynthia drop it, there's a time and place to tell you things and trust me right now isn't a good time, so just drop it. I won't say it again." His voice sounded more stern.

Falling in Love with our Memories (On Hold & Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now