One last look on Saturday

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Saturday came faster than I expected. Fredrick had almost everything ready Mr Henry agreed to a price with Fredrick for the extra lumber and whatever is needed in Iowa, Nathan was kind enough to offer to pay and Fredrick reluctantly agreed. for the past couple days Nathan and Fredrick worked on budgeting and loading the lumber into the covered wagon I did my best to clean and cook and keep my mind off Fredrick leaving. in the morning Fredrick and Nathan went to the mercantile to get food and other than the necessities for the journey while I went over to Marie's to check up on her in the dress. When I arrived I knocked.

"Doors open, come in." I did just that.

"Hello Marie how are you?"

"Just fine I'm scrambling to get this dress finished before sunfall so I can put it in the church so it's ready for tomorrow but I'm sure I can do it. Would you like a peek?"

"Oh, yes please I'd love that." I went over to the rocking chair where she was sewing. the dress that once had been too short and in my mother's taste was now long enough that the dress would flow onto the floor. The fabric she used went perfectly with the rest. The sleeves would now be long enough to cover my wrist completely. she also added the fabric at the collar and ribbon around the middle with enough so I could tie a big beautiful bow in the back. The dress looked completely different. It looked like my dress!! Brand new and perfect. Looking at the dress made me realize all of this was real, tomorrow I'd be married, tomorrow was my last day with Fredrick. Tomorrow A New path of life would begin.

"You look deep in thought, not having any regrets are you?"

I smiled "no of course not, it just dawned on me that all of this is real. A new life is beginning." Marie smiled

"Why don't you go find Fredrick and Nathan they'll need all the help they can get especially cuz they won't be working tomorrow." I nodded then left

The rest of the day seemed to drag on. We got Nathan's wagon ready and loaded with supplies. We made sure all horses were in good condition and added the stuff they would need into the wagon. Once finished it was early even in Fredrick and I headed home to get supper started in the wagon loaded for Fredrick. We walked hand in hand taking in the beautiful scenery. "I can't believe come Monday you'll be gone."

"Neither can I time has seemed to go by so slow yet so fast."

"Can we go somewhere first before we head home?"

Pressure gave me a puzzled look. "Sure where do you want to go?"

"Because tomorrow will be busy I want to take one less look at the pond with you and the town... and my childhood house."

Fredrick slow to a stop "are you sure?" He asked looking me deep in the eyes.

I nodded and reheaded towards my childhood house. When the house came into view it looked to be untouched and still in bed shape. This house held my history and even though I could still visit and the months Fredrick was gone I wouldn't have the strength without Fredrick by my side. As we walked closer I found the door was slightly ajar. I gave Frederick a curious look, he gave me the same look and we continued cautiously towards the door. footsteps came from inside the house and I pushed open the door ready to yell at them intruder . I was caught off guard when I saw Mr. Laudington the banker with a well-dressed man period. "What are you doing here?" I demanded

The two men looked up startled. "Who are you?" The man in the business suit said. The banker cut in.

"the people who lived here past and this is their daughter Cynthia johnson." Mr Ludington turn towards me. "Cynthia I wasn't expecting you."

"I wasn't expecting you either period what are you doing here?"

"The timing that you came is almost humorous today of all days and at this hour of all hours. There's no easy way to say this. Payments are not being paid toward the land so it became foreclosed and Mr. Willinghelm is here from the railroad to purchase the land."

I didn't know what to say or feel. I didn't feel a connection to the house but it's still upset me. Frederick pulled me toward him his face was one of concern. I turned back to Mr. Willinghelm and Mr. Ludington trying to find the words to say. I thought for a moment still confused.  "I understand, can you do me two favors though?"

"What can I do for you?" Mr. Willinghelm asked

"Can you let me go through and get any stuff I may have missed."

"Of course, I won't need it."

"Also if you buy this house... destroy it it make something new, something happy we're new happy memories can be built. This house right now carries death, sadness, anger, and affairs. Promise me that whatever happens to this land it will only bring joy."

Everyone stared at me and wonder and shock. I held my head high and smiled though. "Why are you doing this Cy?" Fredrick asked

"Because I'm getting a new start and this land deserves a new start too."

Mr. Willinghelm nodded and smiled "I promise." He said extending his hand for a shake. I gladly accepted.

walking around the house one more time I looked at every detail etching it into my memory. everything had managed to be cleaned out period some items going to me, some were sold while others were burned. I went back out to the door this was goodbye. I looked over and smiled at Fredrick "let's go home, we have a lot to do." He took my hand and after saying our farewells we headed home. I left full of peace I had finally come to good terms with that land and now I could move on to my future with Fredrick.

Not sure what to say I liked this chapter because Cynthia has finally come to good terms with her past.  She's getting a new start and she's letting the bad things go.

As always

Happy Reading Everyone!!

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