Chat Room

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12:01 PM

[Stiles has opened chat room]

[Lydia has joined chat room]

[Scott has joined]

[Danny has joined]

Stiles: guys halp i called derek "bae" w)out thinking

Stiles: i told him i meant 2 write bruh

Scott: he knows what bae means now sry

Scott: he asked me what it meant


Scott: no he just left w)out saying anything

Scott: i bet he was embarrassed

Stiles: wut makes u say that?


Danny: derek totes <3 stiles

Stiles: u guys r messing w) me

Danny: *affronted gasp* au contraire!!!

Scott: ur his bae!!! u better believe it!!!

Lydia: awl, you're both each other's bae!!!!

Stiles: u r all cray

Scott: topic change

Scott: u r going 2 derek's soon 2 watch sherlock, right?

Danny: 2nd date, 2nd day? dayum he works fast

Lydia: awl r u gonna cuddle again???

Stiles: we r watching 1 episode of sherlock

Stiles: i will b there 2 hrs, tops

Danny: oh pleez

Danny: u will prolly want 2 eat something, an u will prolly talk out ur differences an stop h8ing each other

Danny: u will b there at least 3 hrs

Lydia: maybe longer if all goes well ;)

Stiles: im leaving u guys r no help

Scott: noo waaiitt!!

Stiles: im going over to derek's now anyway

Lydia: ooh good luck! :-*

Danny: give him a big smooch 4 me!

Stiles: MINE

Danny: lol jk

Stiles: ttyl

Lydia: let us know how it goes!!!

Scott: yeah!!!

Stiles: bye guys

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