Chapter 1

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New readers, hey, the story is really really crap at the beginning but it does get better I promise! So if you can bare with it for a while its much appreciated!

Chapter 1:

Bernadette's POV:

I don't understand why they are rushing me to the hospital, why the called triple zero. I chose this. Isn't that what suicide is when someone kills themselves? Yeah it is. So why are they trying to save me? I was ten when I came to Australia from Ireland, when I left my twin, Niall and our older brother, Greg. It's been eight years and for those eight years I've been abused by my care giver, I've been bilked at school, I've been cutting, he makes me sick. Who in their right minds would sexually and physically abuse a child? I don't tell mum that though when I speak to her. I miss her so much. I wish I would have stayed in Ireland, but no, I had to be stubborn and beg my mum to let me move to Australia. Niall hit it big time though, didn't he? Yes Niall Horan from One Direction. That's right. I'm the other Horan. The one no one knows about. So here I am in the ER not paying any attention to what the doctors are saying. I know I'm losing blood and I know I'm losing alot of it. But thats the point. Is seeing spots a good thing when your losing blood how about feeling faint? What about... Oh no.


"She's coming back home, she has no where else to go. And I'm nor sending her back to Rick." A familiar womans voice said.

"Mum, she can move in with me and the boys. It will be good for her, being around boys her own age." That voice, I know that voice.

"I swear Niall if anything happens to her while she's with you, I'll murder you." The woman said.

"I promise nothings going to happen to her."

My eyes flutter open and I have to squint because of the blinding light. It takes a minute or two for my eyes to adjust to the light but when the do I smile at who's in front of me.

"Mum! Niall!" I yell as my mother and my brother come to the bed I'm in to hug me, "What are you doing here? Wait. Where am I? What day is it?"

"Bernadette, calm down. You are at the hospital. You tried to commit suicide but the doctors saved you. You've been in a... mini coma for a week, but Niall and I have been here the whole time." Says mum.

So I failed. I attempted suicide and failed. Why would they save me?

"Bernadette?" Niall asked getting my attention, I just nodded in response, "You're going to come live with me and the boys."

Just peachy.


Sooooo what do you think so far? I know one chapter isn't much to go on but hey it's something :)

Please leave comments to tell me what you think xxx

The Other Horan (Zayn Malik/Niall Horan/Andy Samuels)Where stories live. Discover now