Chapter 18

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Bernadette's POV:

It's been two months. Two months since I've spoken to any of them. Harry, Liam, Louis and Dani all try to call, but I ignore it. I know that the second I hear one of their voices I'll want to go back.

Since I got to Mullingar I, changed my style, you could say. My clothes are still the same, black with studs, or just greys, mostly dark colours.

I died my hair again. Except for now it's blue black and down to my waist, with a side fringe.

I wear heavy eye makeup, so a lot of eyeliner and mostly black or grey eye shadow.

I'v been diagnosed with depression, it's not really bad thankfully but it is there and there are days when I just want to end it all. I was also diagnosed with anorexia, it's not that I don't eat, because I do, it's just I don't feel like eating and because my body has started to, burn it up, I think the doctor said, faster than it should. No. I'm not a toothpick, I still have meat on me.

Isabelle got in touch with me. She quit her job and moved here. To Mullingar. She introduced me to her best friend Claudia, who moved with her and I ended up moving in with them. I visit my mother every couple of days because I really do miss her.

I hardly look in the mirror, because every time I do, I see Niall, and it makes me think of all of them.

I pretty much cry every night, and it's been two months so, I feel that I should move on but, I can't. Especially since I get calls from them every couple of days.

The door to my room swung open and Claudia was trying to jump onto Isabelle's back. I started laughing because of how hilarious it looked. Claudia is Italian with wavy brown hair and bright green eyes. She's also 5' 2" and Isabelle's well, she's tall, so it just makes it all so much more funny.

Isabelle, still had her red hair except for now it was a little longer. Being Irish her self she also dragged us to pubs, a lot

"Get dressed bitch!" Claudia shouted, still trying to pull Isabelle down to her level.

"Why?" I whined.

"Because we'r- Ow! Claudia, get the fuck off me! Thank you. Because, we're going shopping." Isabelle informed me.

I groaned and pulled the bed covers up to my eyes, "I don't like shopping!"

"Neither does Isabelle, but you'll both go for me!" Claudia yelled jumping on my bed.

"I hate both of you." I grumbled.

"Love you too!" They shouted back in unison before leaving my room.


We arrived at the mall and Isabelle and I were thrown into a panic when we couldn't see Claudia.

"Where the hell is she?" I asked liking from left to right.

"I don't know! She couldn't have gone too fa-"

"Are you guy looking for me?" A voice interrupted Isabelle.

We jumped in shock and turned around to see Claudia standing there with an iced coffee in her hands.

"Yes! Where the fuck were you?" I asked.

She gave me a weird look and said, "Right there." Pointing to the coffee shop right next to us.

"Don't give us that look! It's not our fault we couldn't see your short ass!" Isabelle complained.

Claudia was about to reply when my phone rang. Usually I checked my caller ID. This time I didn't. Bug mistake.

"Hello?" I answered.

"B-Bernadette?" The voice replied.

My eyes widened when I heard that voice. A voice I haven't heard in over two months, not since he dropped me off to the airport.


The Other Horan (Zayn Malik/Niall Horan/Andy Samuels)Where stories live. Discover now