Chapter 33

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Niall's POV:

"Bernadette, I'm going over to Zayn's, do you want to come?" I asked.

My sister looked at me from the lounge, pausing an old episode of The Vampire Diaries.

It's scary that I know that.

"No it's ok." She answered.

"You sure? We can go get some Nandos, have some twin bonding time." I said in a singsong voice hoping to lure her into joining me.

"Just because I chose you over the rest of the boys, does not mean I forgive you Niall. Zayn will be easier. He still has feelings for you, but you were the one to cheat on him. So in all honesty, you're more guilty than him because I'm your sister." She said.

"I want to make it better though." I insisted.

"I'm going to the mall with Dani anyway." She replied turning around and going back to watching her program.

I sighed, grabbed my keys and walked out of the house.

In the car I decide to go get Nandos for Zayn, Claudia and I. Getting there though. I changed my mind.

I got out of the car and was about to open the front door to Nandos when a couple caught my eye.

A ginger boy and a girl with bright red hair. I knew who it was straight away. Ed and Isabelle.

I stood there for a second. Watching them laugh and talk.

I smiled, watching Bella laugh. The her face went serious and she said something to him, he went to turn his head to my directions but she stopped him with her hand and leaned over the table to kiss him.

The second I saw their lips touch it felt like someone had ripped out my heart.

It hurt so much.

Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I got in the car, slamming the door and starting it.

I made my way to Zayn's as fast as I could. My vision was blurry as I got out of the car.

Someone pushed past me as I got to the door.

"Sorry, Niall." He said, anger present in his tone.

I turned to see the back of Andy walking towards his car.

I shrugged it off and opened the door walking in.

I saw Zayn comforting Claudia on the floor but I stood there.

"Hug me." I said to no one in particular.

Claudia got up straight away to hug me and I started crying again. She was shorter than me but I put me head on her shoulder.

"Nialler what's wrong?" She asked.

"I just saw Bella. Sh-she was with Ed." I replied through fresh tears.

"Mate, they went on a date today." Zayn told me.

"I know but they were kissing a-and, it hurt, so much." I explained.

"Alright. You two on the lounge. Looks like I need to break out my stash of chocolate." Zayn sighed, walking towards the kitchen.

Claudia and I walked to the lounge and sat down.

"Why was Andy storming out of the house?" I asked trying to get my mind off Isabelle.

"He stormed in here wanted me to take him back, I told him that he didn't love me and that I wasn't going to take him back. He took it upon himself to punch the wall right next to my head and I told him to go back to his ex, Maddie." She explained, holding back tears.

"Maddie, the dancer?" I asked.

"I don't know. All I know is she's his ex." She replied.

"Well I think his last girlfriend and him were introduced by Dani because they worked together." I stated.

"Well then. A dancer. Excuse me for I now understand why he cheated in me." She answered.

Zayn came into view with chocolate packets filling his arms.

"How did I not see them?" Claudia asked.

"I have them hidden. Know move over. There is a Vampire Diaries marathon on and nothing heals the heart better than chovolate and the Salvatore brothers." He replied.

"Are you sure you aren't still gay?" Claudia asked.

"I'm bi, honey," Zayn said in an over the top gay voice. "I can flip the switch."

I sat back laughing and grabbed a bar of chocolate.

Isabelle's POV:

Ed and I were sitting in Nandos laughing about past stories when I saw Niall at the door, watching us.

I didn't make it obvious, I just stopped laughing and told Ed. he went to go look but I stopped him and leant over the table planting my lips on his.

When I pulled back Niall was gone and Ed was giving me a questioning look.

We finished our food and left, getting in the car.

That's where we were now. In the car.

Small Bump started playing on the radio and Ed sung along.

I turned the radio off and he continued singing. He was honestly singing like an angel, plus, why listen to the radio when you have the real thing right next to you.

As I got home I realised I didn't have a key yet so I knocked on the door.

Zayn came to answer it and stopped me from walking in, "You and Ed, straight up to your room do you understand? Do not talk to either of them. Do not make a sound. No funny business and I swear to go if I come up there and there is something going on I will kick both of you out."

I gave him a stern nod and walked into the house, Ed in tow. As we got to the stairs I noticed Niall and Claudia on the couch watching The Vampire Diaries.

I stayed there for a second too long though because Niall turned to the stairs and saw me.

He said something to Claudia and she shook her head. He pleaded for something but she gave him a stern look in reply. His shoulders slumped and he went back to watching The Vampire Diaries as I walked ahead with Ed.

Niall's POV:

I turned to Claudia and whispered, "I think I should go."

"Uh, no." She replied shaking her head.

"Please, I don't want to be in the same house as them." I begged.

"No, Niall." She told me with a stern look.

I slumped away instantly and tried to focus on the episode where Damon first kisses Elena. I couldn't focus though, not knowing that Isabelle and Ed were up in her bedroom.


I'm so sorry it took so long guys. I apologise. I've just had really bad writers block and I've been booked up. I'll get the next chapter up as soon as I can :)

Love you guys.

The Other Horan (Zayn Malik/Niall Horan/Andy Samuels)Where stories live. Discover now