Chapter 14

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Berdadette's POV:

I woke up with Zayn holding my hand. He had dry tears on his cheeks and that pained me to know he's been crying over me. The boys have all been disscusing whether or not i should get the surgery. I don't understand why they are worried and are trying to make choices for me. I want to have the surgery. It's either that, or if the tumor continues to grow, certain death. I've been in the hospital for about ten days now and everyday I wake up to Zayn next to me. I was really sweet.

In the short ten days I was here, Niall broke up with Isabelle, I didn't really like her much anyway. Liam got back together with Dani and her and I have become really close. Zayn decided to change his hair and it was now all black spiking up in different directions, and it's the best style in my opinion. There have also been heaps of rumours going around about Harry and Taylor Swift, but he obviously he's with Lou.

"Babe?" Zayn whispered in a deep and husky voice.

A shiver ran up my spine. I shuffled over in the hospital bed and patted the space next to me. Zayn hopped onto the bed and pulled the covers over us, He snaked his arm around my waist pulling me closed to him. Zayn rested his head on mine as we lay there.

"I don't want to lose you." Zayn murmered looking down at me.

"Would you rather certain death? Because at least with the surgery there is a fifty percent chance that i will make it. Zayn, if I don't get this surgery I will die." I say.

"As long as I don't lose you, I'm fine with your choice." He replied.

"Where are the others?" I asked as Zayn trailed light kisses along my neck.

"At home. They all wanted showers and considering I had one this morning I told them to go home." He replied.



"I love you. So much." I whispered.

"I love you more." He replied with a smirk.

"We've known each other for what? A fortnight? And already we've slept together twice and fallen for each other. I'm not easy." I said sarcastically.

Zayn shock his head whilst laughing, "At least you didn't lose your virginity at fourteen like a certain Daddy Direction."

"Wait, WHAT?! Liam lost his virginity when he was fourteen? That was," I stopped for a second calculating. "2007!"

Zayn just chuckled at my reaction.

"Well, if he loved the girl and though he was ready then I'm ok with it. I just never expected Liam of all people...'

"It's always the ones you least expect," Zayn replied. "now go back to sleep. You only got an hour or two of it."

I sighed but lent into Zayn's chest and let sleep consume me.

The Other Horan (Zayn Malik/Niall Horan/Andy Samuels)Where stories live. Discover now