Chapter 10: Deal's a deal

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Word Count: 1224

"Which was bull, by the way," You mutter under your breath and rub your wrist again.

"Wizard!" Thor boomed as the Sherlock guy groaned. Wizard was clearly not a good nickname, you thought, silently deciding to call him just that to be annoying. "Give us back my brother, he did not break our agreement!" The Sherlock guy raised his eyebrows and sighed. Suddenly you were on the other side of the room, a light breeze moving your h/c hair around. You felt sick again.

"On the contrary," The Sherlock guy pulled out an old book from the shelf next to him, it was frayed at the edges and the cover, which you assumed was once red, was now a deep and dirty Ruby. The pages were torn, even from the side view, and were yellowing enough that they could have passed as banana flesh. "Just ask her," The Sherlock guy opened up the book and flipped through the pages, dust flying everywhere in a messy string of clouds as he lightly tilted his head towards you. Tony turned you, a confused look on his face, you returned with one a bit more intense, shrugging your shoulders to add effect. "There we are." The Sherlock guy pulled out a page from the old book and the world shifted again, the breeze that came from nowhere brushing at your hair.

"Could you stop teleporting us, Sherlock?" You lightly clutched your stomach and glared at the Wizard. "I'm gonna hurl," He sighed and brushed off the paper in his hand, removing more dust, if that was even possible.

"It's Doctor Steven Strange. Not Sherlock," He handed the paper to Thor, who glared down at it, and then to Tony, who gently took it out of his hand.

"So he did hurt you!" There goes the cover. Thor spun and faced you, glaring like you usually saw him when we ran out of Poptarts.

"Alright fine!" You threw your hands up in the air in desperation. "This morning, Loki grabbed my wrist a little hard when I got up. It sure as HELL wasn't purposeful, and I would have forgotten about it by now if it wasn't for all of this!" You ignored the shocked looks of both Tony and Thor and turned to Strange, very angry. "Good enough for you, Sherlock? Now can you let him go? Please?" The Sherlock thing was sticking. You were mad at him, and he would pay for it in Snarky Starkness. Strange squinted at you and the world shifted again, with him now calmly setting the book back on it's shelf. You were definitely going to vomit if he did that again.

"I'm afraid that I can't," Strange folded his hands as his cape flowed around him like a weird red waterfall. "An arrangement was made, and it was broken. I won't go back on my word."

"The hell you will!" You balled your hand up into a fist and yelled. "Loki didn't do anything wrong, ok? He deserves this fresh start on life more than anyone else would, and I'm not letting it be taken from him because you think he held my wrist too hard!" You stamped your foot on the ground, fully aware that both Tony and Thor were taken aback by your extreme nature, but you didn't care. Loki was open with you last night in a way that you didn't think he ever would be. He was going to leave, sure, but looking back on that moment, it now seemed like he was leaving to keep the team safe. He was really changed, and was still trying to change even more, and it wasn't fair for all of that to be taken away so quickly.

"Well would you look at that," Strange raised his eyebrows as the same paper from before materialized in front of you in a slow cloud of orange sparkles. You could now clearly see what it said at the top in dark red ink, although reading it was a different issue. You had no idea what language it was in, let alone how to comprehend it. It was followed by what you assumed was the signatures of most of the team members. You hadn't actually seen all of their signatures before. All this took up about half of the paper, the other half was currently writing itself in golden ink in the same language as above, with a space below it to sign a name. "Sign there. You'll get him back under the same circumstances as before." As soon as you touched the paper, your signature wrote itself out and the paper disappeared.

"Well that was all fine and dandy to watch, but can we get Reindeer Games back now?" Tony crossed his arms and lifted an eyebrow sarcastically, as if they was any other way to lift one eyebrow.

"Hm? Oh, yes!" Strange looked up from the bookshelf in surprise, as if he had forgotten the main reason that the three had come over to him in the first place. He placed his hands together in a weird symbol that looked like a mix between a gang sign and the ok sign that so famously became a meme, and started to circle one hand around, a sparkly orange circle appearing above and to the left of him, where Loki fell out, still in the clothes from this morning, into a heap on the floor, all while screaming. It was, in a someone morbid way, very funny.

"I have been falling," He angrily lifted his head up and whipped his raven-y jet black hair out of his face. "FOR OVER AN HOUR!" He got up, scowling at Thor and Tony as Tony giggled, not at all trying to hide it. As he turned to you, you couldn't help but get lost in his eyes again. The beautiful way that they twinkled and held so much personality in them, they were like a window into Loki's soul, more or less. He turned to Strange and frowned, flipping out his hands and revealing a set of two daggers, one for each hand. "You again! If you think that for one minute, I will stand to be a victim of your cheap conjurings one more time, Wizard..." Loki started to dash at Strange before you could do anything to stop him, although it appeared you didn't need to. The world shifted again and they were back at the tower, Loki tripping over the couch as the scenery made a sudden change.

"Y/n, please don't throw up." You turned to Tony, weakly clutching your stomach, doubled over, and rebelliously did just that.

Alright hi everyone! I guess this is kinda more on Wednesday than Tuesday, but it's still up, so yay! From now on, I'll be uploading just once every Tuesday instead of Tuesday and Friday on account of I have been officially dragged back to hell and will have to put up with homework and other things that I really don't want to deal with. In other words, I started school today. Next chapter's up next Tuesday unless otherwise noted, please vote and comment ideas or criticism, follow me for updates and random text posts, and promise to have a wonderful and smile-filled day, my beautiful croissant children!!

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