chapter 7

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when seungcheol's forehead touched his in that afternoon in the library, eyes slowly fluttering close and just seems to enjoy their closeness, jeonghan can only remember how long the man's eyelashes are.

"what are you doing?" he ask softly. doesn't want to sound nervous and disturb the quiet but intense atmosphere. though inside he's quite flabbergasted at the close proximity.

"charging myself," he feels the man smile when he answered though he can't see it.
"it's a tough week for me,"

"please let me do this a little while."

it's weird, jeonghan noticed. when their skin touched each other like this, the unreleased desire and lust he felt minutes ago just seem dissipated slowly. the heat coming from the alpha start calming his heart beat and he finally get to relaxed. the burning inside him, is now turn lukewarm.

one would think they're dating if they saw them looking so comfy and chummy like this. jeonghan doesn't know either why he hasn't push the man away. most probably because he was too awe at this situation that escalated so fast.

and seungcheol seems really tired. so he just give in. for now.

he usually get irritated easily when someone dare to cross his private space. sometimes jeonghan thought he's a reincarnation of a cat. the more someone tried to bother him, the more he tried to resist them. he has to be the first one who take interest and make the first move, there is no in between.

and it's usually happen only when he's in heat. the only moment he let his guard down and let others in.

their close moment was disturbed when the phone in seungcheol's pocket vibrated.
jeonghan saw the man sighing and pulled away unwillingly. he unconsciously sighing too but pulled himself together. playing with the edge on his shirt to distract himself.

the corner of his eyes see seungcheol pick up the phone, leaning back onto the shelf. they're standing side by side. he's listening the baritone voice,the way seungcheol talk, he kinda of like the vibe. it's comforting.

thinking that there's nothing else to do, jeonghan decided to leave, there's no reason for him to stay here anyway. he was dragged here, and they flirt enough but also not enough to see where this relationship going to. not like he care.

but his hand was grabbed when he walk pass by the other guy. he raise his eyebrows when seungcheol mouthing 'wait a little,' to him while still on the phone.

seungcheol doesn't let go of his hand, the man is casually caressing jeonghan's back palm during the phone call. the small gesture, the omega just silently watching. doesn't know how to react.

when he's finally done, jeonghan brown eyes now watching with interest when a phone is offered to him.

"can i have your number?"


huff, why today so hot. . he fan himself with a paper in his hand.

he's on a bench facing the park inside their faculty building, his legs is folded, sitting indian style on the cement bench with thick notes lay on his lap, studying for his exam that'll be starting in less than an hour. he's still half way going through his notes and feels like crying. because he just know this last minutes. he already studied and memorized the part that was said to appear on the exam, but a leaked news said the last chapter that they learnt on their last class will be included into the test too. as you can imagine, he was panicked. not just panicked. but PANICKED. he can't afford to repeat this subject in next semester, he's so done with that lunatic professor.

he wonder what he did wrong in his previous life to be tormented by the chubby professor like this.

however his concentration is broken when he hear a familiar laughter far from the opposite of his seat. he focus his eyes toward the small group of people who become the center of attention. they're grouping on the pond, looking so carefree and happy.

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