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"Seems like you've succeeded," Jun greeted him the next morning when he entered the class. Jisoo wasn't in his seat yet but seungcheol could see his bag on jun's left side. There were two empty seats left, one on Jun's right side and one on jisoo's left side. He opted to choose the one beside jisoo when he noticed an alpha classmate was sitting a few spots away.

Jun just silently watched seungcheol put his bag down and took his seat, saying nothing about his choice of seat. He didn't feel offended at all as he immediately understood why when his dark brown eyes caught the alpha classmate too.

"I have told him to sit on my right side but he seemed not on his right mind," he mumbled.

It's a silent arrangement that they had made when they entered university. The two of them just automatically sat on jisoo's left and right. Both seungcheol and Jun always took precautions to avoid anything bad to happen to their Omega friend. It's an old habit they developed since high school, to always keep jisoo accompanied. Their overprotective instinct worked before their brain did, it's just their nature to shielding him from any possible unwanted situation.

Paranoid mother hens, minghao often called them, full of sarcasm and with a completely blank face. It's too accurate to make the two alphas feel offended, nevertheless that never failed to make them growled in embarrassment.

"What did you mean by succeeded?"

It's as if yesterday's ruckus didn't happen, the conversation just rolled from their mouths smoothly, seungcheol raised his eyebrows at his friend with curiosity.

One thing he liked from Jun was that the Chinese alpha never took anything to heart. Despite their discrepancies and countless fights, he didn't hold any grudge against seungcheol. He would easily appear on the very next day like nothing happened, wrapping his arms around his neck and dragging him to the canteen while rambling on and on about his day, leaving seungcheol suffering in his own misery and anger. Being angry at jun is like being angry at a wall.

Seungcheol sometimes is curious to know how jun's brain works, how he sees the world move with playful manners, effortlessly avoids being too involved with everything and just watches them unraveling itself from an outsider's point of view. As if he has been living a life that taught him to never be attached to something, detaching himself before feeling entangled into the mess. except when it's about jisoo.

Jun picked his phone and searched for something, before showing the screen to him.

His eyes widened as he saw the anonymous malicious post had been edited. It was now replaced with a short insincere explanation. He gasped in silence, frowning at the half-assed apology, still he was stunned nonetheless.

Jiyeon had already made a move of her own will. It's actually surprising to him, seungcheol didn't expect the female Omega to make a change of mind that soon. He thought he would need to wait a few days for her to make up her mind like she usually did.

Perhaps, she really did give up.

"What did you bribe her with?" Jun faced him sideways.

Seungcheol returned the phone. He noticed that she had also deleted the replies under the post. That's an effort itself, considering it had hundreds of comments, not counting the threads, leaving only few good and neutral comments underneath.

"Nothing. We just talked."

"You didn't bribe her with your body did you?" Jun smirked, teasing him.

He knew their history, and although Jun didn't say anything regarding what happened, he could see his disapproval look on the decision he made back then. He's on the same page with jisoo. As always.

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