chapter 11

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seungcheol doesn't dare to call nor chat jeonghan after the incident, but he tried to make it up by waiting for him after his class the next day. peeking on the glass window on the door to find the beautiful blonde. he looks so serious concentrating on his notes as the teacher writing on the board.

watching jeonghan in his class is a new experience for the black haired man. he didn't realized this before but jeonghan is actually really smart, on subject seungcheol thought was hard, the beautiful omega score it better than him. his GPA is not bad, but it's still a shame when compared to the blonde one's

waiting by leaning on the wall beside the door, seungcheol still can't stop thinking what could happened. the scent that he really like is nowhere to be smell, and it's really frustrating him. he asked jisoo whether something happen to jeonghan while he was away but jisoo said nothing happen nor weird incident happen around jeonghan.when jisoo asked why, he couldn't tell his best friend just yet, he's still so confused.

it's sucks since he's too used to be able to pick up the scents everywhere, realizing that his omega is near is really comforting for his sense.

and then suddenly he can no longer smell it, it's normal if he feels lost, restless and now don't know what to do.

there is really no way jeonghan has turn to beta isn't he? and so sudden? there must be explanation for it. he's dying to ask jeonghan about this.

that is if the blonde man willing to see him. so far the guy seems avoiding him. and now with his non-existence pheromone, it's so easy for him to sneak away without seungcheol know. seungcheol is sure he's slowly going crazy if this happen any longer.

the class is over, the alpha can hear rustling from inside the classroom. he's ready to catch the blonde before he slip his way out again but the first one to comes out is the teacher who's surprised and pleased to see him.

"what are you doing here, seungcheol ah? you should come in and join my class instead of standing here" the old man pat his shoulder excitedly.

seungcheol grimace at the invitation. feeling dilemma, sure it'll be fun to be in the same class as yoon jeonghan, but it's definitely a big no no for statistic class. he doesn't want the man see his stupidity in this subject. especially since the other guy excel it.

"i'm waiting for someone," he adjust his bag while pointing his thumb at the class. eyes scanning the students that walk out from the class behind the teachers as he talk. he's growing anxious when he can't find a certain blonde head.


"not official yet sir," he laugh awkwardly.
that is if jeonghan didn't dump him already.

"oh, but it seems the person doesn't know you're here. there's no one inside already,"

seungcheol's eyes widened, he quickly look inside the class, the teacher is right, there's already no one in sight. not a single human. he cursed silently. the man apparently escape through the other door.

he felt another pat from the teacher who pity him before left.

right, he really need to be pitied at this moment. seungcheol sighed hard as he bang his forehead on the wall.


"did something happen?"

jun asked when his friend slumped down in his seat beside him without saying anything. from the moment he saw seungcheol walk inside the classroom, he's ready to greet him with a huge smile only to be ignored by the guy.

he turn his body sideways. fully curious.

"can you help bury me? i just want to disappear from this world."

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