Chapter 20

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the way the world works was sometimes easy to comprehend. people reacted to a little noise without knowing the truth nor the source of the problem and created a ripple effect. all they wanted to see was a flaw. they would cheer for someone's happiness but there would be even more rejoicing when they saw someone at their downfall. simply because of envy. jealousy.

jisoo was actually used to it.

outwardly, people around him all treated him with respect. but deep down, behind their smiles and cheerful words, they were all ready to shred him to pieces if he ever made a wrong move. sometimes he thought, what did he do wrong to those people to deserve this kind of treatment.

'with time, you'll get used to this,' was his advice to jeonghan, which somehow, ironically, was the opposite of what he felt. he could never get used to this.

Being a friend of a certain alpha was one of the main reasons. with how carefully seungcheol treated him, he always knew everyone around him was jealous. because seungcheol was not just like any other alpha. he could have 10 jun accompany him all day, still it would not spark as much enviousness in comparison with 1 choi seungcheol being next to him. everyone wanted to be in his good books, on the list of people he could trust.

jisoo could understand the reason because he was in no way different than those people, and he was one the luckiest person to ever be allowed to stand beside seungcheol. the charismatic and admirable leadership, the kindness he showed to the other two genders in general. no one was valued as highly as Choi seungcheol in this university. jisoo sometimes wondered, what country did seungcheol ever save in his previous life to get this kind of respect from other people. but he's seungcheol's closest friend, so he should be the first person to know how much seungcheol deserved the admiration.

and because he's the number one in the list of people who seungcheol could trust, he received the hidden backlash they couldn't show to the alpha.

the other reason was that he was in a relationship with lee jihoon. it's no secret that the lee family was one of the most prestigious families in the country. it was as if he was cinderella who met this prince charming then moved from an ordinary life to an extraordinary life in the castle. as if, he was set for a bright future by successfully getting the Lee's attention.

many people scorned him and accused him of trapping the alpha by making jihoon mark him, to make sure jihoon could not go anywhere and find any other omegas or female alphas from other prestigious families to mate. maybe the Lee family was famous for their historical success in the art world, but they're also infamous for their dignity and legacy of keeping only one mate for their whole life, unlike other prestigious bloodlines. Thus came the assumption that jisoo was tying him down for his own advantage.

he could not blame them for thinking that way. after all, what happened was too fast even for jisoo to comprehend. he was in too deep. he surrendered to his heat and was just as surprised after the heat had calmed down. but there was no regret. At the moment when he accepted jihoon's advances, he knew he was ready to commit and to mate with the alpha, soon or later he knew this would happen and he's not refusing the surprising development.

because jihoon was his fated mate, and he knew the other thought the same. the attraction they felt since their first meeting was too much to ignore. so what others think didn't matter to him.

if seungcheol was the one who was respected the most in their university, jisoo was probably one of the most envied people. to have a Choi in his left hand and a Lee in his right hand, it seemed that he already had the world under his palm. it was no secret either that many people would rejoice if he ever met with some misfortunes.

jisoo no longer cares about what others think about him. or at least, he tried not to care. as long as he lived his life carefully, nothing would bother him.

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